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St. Stan's Summer Festival(圣斯坦夏季狂欢节)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月07日10:46:03 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        Every August, the Saint Stan's Summer Festival held at the Mater Dei Catholic High School in Lansdale, PA. It's not a huge carnival, but there's definitely a pretty darn good festivity.

        The games look great and food taste fabulous. However, I go on the rides every year. When you think of a local festival, you don't think of spinning at 50 miles per hour. The tornado became my favorite. What happens is that you are on a ride that swings you around

in a circle in mid-air, which is boring. So then, there is a wheel in the center of the seats. The seats are in a little circle facing towards the wheel. You see, the ride needs 4 people together and I was bounced up with the other three. Here is the awesome part. If you decide to really turn on the heat, you spin the wheel. What's up? The seats spin with the wheel. Unfortunately, one of the riders worked out and we spun too fast. My head wanted to explode, and so did my stomach.

        Don't get fooled by your local carnival rides. They may be small, but can make you hurl gust like a roller coaster.





07-04-11_ Tornado-10001.JPG

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