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Reunion w/ Old Friends(老友重逢)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月08日10:36:35 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        Ten years ago, at my first ever birthday party in my house, Auntie Hongli and Uncle Henry came over to see me along with their two little daughters, Lynna, 7 and Jennifer, 4. A decade has been past, and now, we can finally have reunion back in NJ from PA. This is more about Mom than me. Can you remember anything at the age of 12 months? Heck, I don't even recall most of my kindergarten friends.

        So I sat on their couch face to face in the living room, feeling a little awkward. While I kept myself in the corner looking like I had amnesia, All parents were chatting away as if they had all the time in the world. I was left staring at trophy wall over the fireplace. Boy, that's glistering with a lot of awards, everything from Best Student of the Year to Championship titles in synchronized swimming.

        Lynna has some serious art skills. She used oil pastels to express her creativity, which is the hardest art utensil ever displayed in history of the graphic arts in my opinion. Her drawings looked amazing like real masterpieces. Jennifer isn't joking. Her synchronized swimming team has not only advanced NJ competition for her age group, but qualified for the nationals! For some people I didn't know, they seemed pretty well-known in the world. It's made our reunion more meaningful.





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