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Basilica Cistern of Istanbul, Turkey(土耳其伊斯坦布尔地下水宮)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月29日08:29:33 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Basilica Cistern0001.JPG

Aiden in English

        Water, to start of the universe, meant life. Everyone needs water and unfortunately, dehydration was and still can be fatal. About 1,500 years ago, the Byzantine Empire wanted a water source when they were being held under siege to quench their thirst. The underground cistern was established. It not only provided a water filtration system for the Great Palace of Constantinople and other buildings on the First Hill but continued to serve for the Topkapi Palace after the Ottoman conquered in 1453 and into modern times.

        When looking at the Ottoman Empire in the Medieval Ages, you’ll see an empire stretching from central Europe to Asia Minor, Egypt and Nubia, covered a complete total of 9,000 square miles or 14,484 sq. km. And as a conquering army took control over land, the people of other powerful armies had to choose sides. One reason why the Ottoman Empire became so … successful was because of the fact that most times, to take over land the empire didn’t even fight. If you were an army rising in strength, your reputation would grow and some enemies get intimidated. So the Ottomans gave the enemy leaders a choice to fight or join the empire, send soldiers, and pay tax. Its strategy was good on any weaker rulers of little or no experience. This procedure sent the already fast car into over-drive. However, the fall of the Ottoman Empire was getting more and more possible, considering powerful forces were taking interest in them. 

        The palace of the Byzantine Empire in the capital of Istanbul demanded all the security it could get, and many stories usually sounded exaggerated. Just say that powerful kings fell to poison in the drinks. Water had to be checked if it was pure, and the stupid idea born from movies of a water checker which tasted all liquids before giving it to the king. The solution was much more local. But a simple water container wouldn’t do any good. They decided to make a reservoir. The people lived in the palace required a checker for poison. The answer was simple. It was fish and the very one that ate the algae in the water. If poison was detected, they would, ah, die in the king’s place. The fish also kept the water clean. With all the crazy stuffs built at the time, no wonder another amazing feat in architecture was gonna be constructed. And indeed there was. An underground cistern consisted of 12 enormous reservoirs were created with freshwater 140 feet/43 meters below the surface. They were used frequently during the Ottoman Empire. Nevertheless, what saved the people in many different occasions also seemed a bit spooky. The place wasn’t exactly illuminated well. The only light source was some dimly lit bulbs. The entire cistern was set up with a forest of 336 pillars suspending the roof, sort of similar to a Greek temple. But in truth, it looked quite the opposite. A couple of pillars with the head of Medusa in Greek mythology were flipped upside-down, symbolizing in the defeat of the old empires and now there was a new king took in town. The eerie lighting made shadows flicker across her face really creepy. Whether the people went overboard or not, this cistern ensured the safety of the palace with water supply. 

        It’s a miracle of how the empire even fell, since they were so careful of everything, and almost too careful. Basilica Cistern surely has more to say.






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