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Delos─Apollo and Artemis(提洛岛─太阳神和月神诞生之地)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月30日07:13:07 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



Aiden in English

        To be honest, I don’t know too much about the god of Apollo and the goddess of Artemis. Sure, they’re one of the 12 Olympians in Greek Mythology. Well, as for the details, let’s just say I learned a lot on the island of Delos in Greece.

        Delos is an island 7.0 kilometers/4.3 miles long and 2.5 km/1.6 miles wide. Like the town of Mykonos, everything had to be white since the heat was unbearable. Only thing is that all the buildings are in ruins derived from the 3rd millennium B.C to the paleochristian era. The archaeological site was basically walls and pillars with no roof. They left just enough to see that there was a sacred site that the pilgrims paid tribute to and the square houses people lived in as well. You see, Delos was a very populated island as a prosperous trading port at the time. Markets flourished in the center. Merchants came and went. People all over the Mediterranean came here. This place was also arguably the first multicultural city. Oddly, they had the same religion. 

        Delos was a Cyclades island dedicated to Apollo and Artemis. The legend says that Zeus fell in love to a Titaness Leto and his wife Hera was angry. She cursed the baby that not a single person in Greece would accept it. What actually happened was that two children came: Apollo and Artemis, brother and sister. As I said, don’t ask for details since, well, I don’t know much. But somehow, people came to this island and settled down here. They celebrated the god of Sun in a very … ah … fun way, because Apollo was the god of music that sounded wonderful for the parties the people participated. The other god these people celebrated was the opposite of Apollo, but not Artemis. Dionysus was the god of wine. He originated from an Indian god of wine, and the Greeks took him for their own, considering that everyone, even 5,000 years ago, absolutely loved alcohol. And what I must say, I would love to be a part of that religion, when all the other Islam, Christian, Jewish, etc., the people following Dionysus are the partiers. I am saying the true partiers! As a prayer, people got drunk. Yep, they drank their bladders full of wine, and danced into the night until they were knocked out cold. The party was usually followed by a few, uh, an inside-out stomach. 

        The island of Delos has one of Greece’s most famous archaeological sites filled the history of gods, and the people really prayed their stomachs out to one of them. But for me now, it’s a learning opportunity.






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