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First Day of School for Me(我的初中二年级第一天)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月08日06:40:26 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        It is the 3rd day of school. The class in the students is settling, drama declining, everyone getting into his/her grove and place for the school year. Well, not me apparently. I don’t know why, but somehow, mom seemed to miss the fact that the day my flight was booked coming home from Beijing was on the 2nd day of school. Plus, I missed the orientation on August 31st, and so it basically put me in the “Screwed” area. 

        As bad as it looked, there was a bright side to the situation. I didn’t have to do on the 1st day, “hey, let’s go around the circle to introduce ourselves” bullcrap. And that was great and all but the middle school has eight periods, which indicates eight different teachers. That also means eight times of “hey, uh, my name is Aiden and, uh, I sort of, uh… etc.” You got the point. For some reason, this year I felt kind of left out. At lunch, for example, the table/group of friends was already set up and I wasn’t in one. You see, this summer I was too busy. I sort of had to basically terminate all contact with my friends. Also there were like a billion papers to sign. Hey, Aiden, here’s a phys-ed form to fill out. Here’s a permission slip for heath. Here’s a grading policy, and a rule’s policy. Somewhere along the day, I stopped listening to what the form was and took it. 

        Speaking of annoying, because I wasn’t here for the past two days of school, that left me very behind on the supply topic. I needed 5 binders by the end of the week, and hey! Guess what?! That’s tomorrow. So I had to get all the stuffs here by tomorrow morning, but that was only the first issue. The real punch was thrown when I saw what I had to carry home. Each student had 2 textbooks: one at home and one at school. Today, my backpack was budging with 2 two-inch binders, my reading and geometry textbook, my lunch box, and an instrument binder, and my book. News flash, school board, it is not okay to torture kids. And my phys-ed teachers don’t say it’s good for upper body strength. Wait until the days I have the band. That’s another huge saxophone case to carry.

        To top this absolutely spectacular first day back, I have the worst issue with my locker. My combination is confusing. I’m not saying it but let’s just conclude that it has too many “three’s” like four of them. I’ll survive the school year. At least, that’s what the teacher all say.

       So the middle school has officially started, not that there was anything too “official” about the matter. It’s tough, to say the least, but every else seems to do okay. Even though my schedule sucks, and I’m always late for lunch. Because of it, my backpack is way too heavy, and I’m one of the last stops on the bus home. I’m forced to take the newspaper club and feel sort of okay with it.







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