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Hot Swimming Pool(热泳池)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月09日07:39:26 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        On a hot sunny day, it’s nice to go have a dip in the cool pool. Three things are wrong with the sentence you just read. First of all, it is just above the freezing level outside. Secondly, it’s a swim meet. Finally, the water is hotter than the room temperature and there’s nothing “nice” about taking a dip.

        Apparently, an old, elderly lady was drinking from a glass bottle, and happened to drop it. The glass shards fell into the deep pool, and so the staff had to drain the water and pick out the glass. As for the swim team, we must change to the kiddie pool, in which had a funky taste and was a bit …… yellowish. The murky water made my vision so much worse, and I tried not to pay attention to the sour taste in my mouth. It felt like extremely diluted warm lemonade, with extra pulp as particles floated around in the pool. It got so bad that when I was staring down from one end of the pool, you couldn’t see even to the five-yard mark, not to mention a kid swimming at you. One might think that was bad enough, but the pool had worse things in store.

        Kids below the age of ten are not so hard core to swimming, and so it wasn’t necessary to control the kiddie pool’s water temperature. It is supposed to be relaxing and learning through play. For the swim team, however, it had quite a different affect. At the Lansdale YMCA, when the pool’s temperature went out of control, the coaches had the students either a) leave, or b) swim with your head above the water. Obviously, both were out of the picture in the Ambler YMCA. Therefore, every kid got a taste of heat stroke. The water felt like the Sahara desert at times, especially after we finished a set of laps. Luckily, I was the fastest in my division, and so I could climb out of the water and pace around for a tad bit before everyone was finished. I always enjoyed hot water showers, never cold ones. But for once in my life time, I took in the freezing air like it was my life line, which, it kind of was, in a sense. The coach seemed to understand the level of discomfort we were experiencing, and gave us timed breaks in between each and every set. With the few minutes we had, I decided to take a quick ice shower. Like my piano practice, I stopped and just drifted off, or walked around a bit every once awhile. In these moments, the sensation felt amazing.

        This swimming practice stretched on for hours, or that’s what it seemed like. Every time a break was called, I smothered myself in the coldest water temperature the shower could go. I got used to the heat in the end, though. But when I climbed out of the pool in the final seconds of training, my legs wobbled in exhaustion. Screw that old lady that dropped the glass bottle. She made us drink the lemonade in the kiddy pool!






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