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送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月09日07:49:07 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        Thanksgiving is a time to get together no matter whether it goes with friends or family in the US. Eat turkey, talk, have fun, watch NFL, stay up, and burp, all of which are an essential part of the annual tradition. This Thanksgiving, I was traveling to a friend’s house, where we were going to give our stomachs a real workout.

        I’m not the largest fan of roasted turkey. The only way I like it is smothered in gravy or in a sandwich. Everything else at the party was amazing. Dishes of spicy chicken and peanuts gave off a mouth-watering scent, while plates of mashed potatoes gleamed under the light. I piled food onto my plate, grabbed a bowl, and poured in a serving as chips as well. Sitting with the other kids in the dining room, I dove into a choice I would regret after I finished.

        Even a day later, my stomach had not overcome the mountain of food stuffed into it in a matter of ten minutes. Nor did it account for the other trinkets and snacks afterward the feast. Andrew made acorns with peanut butter cookies the size of dime topped with Hershey Kisses. The night went on with a cartoon movie, but really I wasn’t paying attention. The one tradition that this party did not cover was football. I wanted to watch a good game, not the Philadelphia Eagles being destroyed by the Detroit Lions. I mean, the game was quite disastrous for any Philadelphian. The quarterback Mark Sanchez played like poop, and the running back Demarco Murray had been seen better days. Not that he’ll spend any more of those days here in Philadelphia. You know what’s funny, people said at the beginning of the year how the Eagles were a Super Bowl contender. Yeah, it didn’t sound so much.

        As the night winded down, and the kids turned to videogames for entertainment, the real pain of the food kicked in. It wasn’t all the food’s fault either. My body is extremely sensitive to soda, as in a gassy way. I know, I shouldn’t drink any, but it’s Thanksgiving. Whenever I burped (thank god the air passed up-wards, not the other way), the air rushed through my nose like eating raw onions with wasabi. It got really bad to a point where my eyes would tear up. Sometimes, people around me could even smell the Sprite I had. Talk about being embarrassed.

        I love Thanksgiving, simply because it is an excuse for food. Gathering around like what pilgrims and Native Americans did hundreds of years ago, eating turkey and mashed potatoes, watching football, and playing Super Smash Bros on the Wii.







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