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Moscow Kremlin, Russia(俄罗斯莫斯科克里姆林宫)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月20日07:38:04 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Moscow Kremlin0001.JPG

【Aiden in English】

        Marking the tenth day of our trip, something a little special has been planned. Russia, to put it lightly, is a fairly large nation. Oddly, it only has 1.5 hundred million people living in its vastness. Then again, the gigantic Mars has a whopping population of zero humans, so I shouldn't be talking. 

        As one of the most sparsely populated countries, the cities were built as quite something, to say the least. Moscow lies in the Central Federal District of European Russia, surrounded by trees and mountains and basically no human civilization. All one can see on a quiet summer morning is the chugging of a Sapsan train. When a Muscovite views such sight, he or she is encouraged to feel a sense of a must. Like that feeling of the new toy.

        Moscow is our exact destination today. Coincidentally, the starting point was St. Petersburg, and even more, coincidentally, there was a tour taking passengers from St. Petersburg to Moscow on the Sapsan train. It was supposedly luxurious, but when I boarded it, the idea sort of resembled an airplane, unfortunately. 

        Moscow is the capital of Russia. With great history comes a lot of knowledge, and our guide was just spraying out information every minute that she had. Although the stories she told were fascinating, she understood how 95 percent of the information was going down the drain. To prove her wrong, I'm going to write down over five percent of the stuff I learned today so I can technically say that I'm special. The main aspect of the tour would be the Kremlin. Even after surviving all those USSR vs. USA action movies, the Kremlin is surprisingly still intact. In fact, it looks spectacular. Starting with the basic foundation, the Kremlin is surrounded by a tall, red brick wall. I stress this very much as, believe me, the obvious wall that juts out of the ground can be overlooked. Just ask mom, who apparently thought a local mall GUM was the mighty entrance to the legendary fortress of the world's largest country. The ace is commonly mistaken for the housing of Russian leaders, but in the modern years is untrue. The last person who lived in the Kremlin was Joseph Stalin, and everyone knows what happened to this iron man. His dictatorship has left the country, and nowadays, the economy has become a free market. Changes weren't all beneficiary, as people in the 90's weren't quite ready to have the idea of million-dollar apartments. To be fair, the communistic world didn't give the idea of anything being "expensive" since everything was the same. The present-day "presents" many new views to the economy and the government, with a division between the ideology of capitalism and communism. 

        Russia has a long line of Czars and emperors, and the tour guide got this one right: I don't remember any names. All I can call is the Romanov Dynasty with a long family of Peters, some great, some terrible. The Kremlin dates back to these medieval monarchies, having been built in the 17th-18th century. At the time, the fortress looked quite bad. Then, one of the Peters thought that the place looked too gloomy, and so did his wife, so it went through a nice change in style. Now, tourists can view the beautiful churches, exquisite architectural designs, and much useless stuff, like a 40-ton giant cannon with detailed carvings. It looked really intimidating, but the catch was the weird fact of how it never really fired. I am still scratching my head on that one. 

        The mighty Kremlin is so historic, and I could keep going for a long time. Hopefully, I've reached the five percent mark, and there is too much to write about. I wonder if this is how our tour guides feel. Sometimes, you get good guides, and they feed you the pieces, while others shove things down your throat by rather whole.









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