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Capital Stockholm, Sweden(瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月22日07:40:00 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



【Aiden in English】

        Stockholm is the capital of Sweden, commonly known as "Venice of the North". Although it is not considered an ideal coastal city because its port is too shallow to accommodate a big cruise line like Regal Princess, the drive from the docks of Nynashamn takes barely an hour away. Small ships can sail along the Göta Canal and the Baltic Sea to reach Lake Mälaren in the city, which is quite a good idea. The sights are stunning along its waterways derived from 14 islands, and so is the city in general. 

        Europe has a monarch history of kings and queens, and armies conquering other nations. Sweden was a nation in the middle of the drama, with stories of conquering and being conquered. In the 16th-19th centuries, the Swedes went through a lot of battles, including taking over Finland for 40 years and then losing it to the former USSR. Stockholm, at the time, was only a town, and the town has survived to this date, being the modern city's old town of Gamla Stan. Most people can see the difference between the two parts of town, but it doesn't seem as if the recent buildings are sky-touching skyscrapers. The new technology is outstanding, though. Many interesting structures are present in the city, like the famous Absolute Ice Bar in Nordic Sea Hotel, which has now melted, and the tallest and first skyscrapers in Europe until the past half-century. Yet the city accepts its past buildings quite well, involving it with the daily culture. 

        I understand that Swedes can go through the Stortorget or the hub of Old Town daily without getting tired, but I hate how the floor is made up completely of cobblestone which the German had helped to pave. One misstep may result in an injury to anyone. Instead of looking at the sights, I was watching my step. Luckily, stops were made for the major scenes, and I was extremely grateful. The idea of the tour was to walk through most of the old town, which we did, as well as to see the more important places, such as the Royal Palace and Vasa Museum, which is definitely worth the time. 

        Of course, the decorations in the Swedish Royal Palace won't match up to the Peterhof or Catherine's Palace in St. Petersburg of Russia, but it did win in the category of artworks. It was built in the 17th century, and it is noticeably smaller, and it also doesn't have the trillion-dollar value. However, it has many more portrait paintings and sculptures, most of which are previous kings and queens of Sweden. Each image seemed to have a story, like when a queen was plotting to overthrow the crown or even King Gustav III who changed in public. Although it was interesting to hear the tales, I realized the paintings oddly narcissistic. But usually, that's how rich countries are. The only moment I found a shard of respect in the rulers was the idea of using the other guest's porcelain. Paintings also held symbolic value, such as the phases of a grown man, and certain even mentioned religion. Surprisingly, the one sculpture that was obviously religious wasn't Lutheran, but Greek. It explained how the Milky Way was formed, but don't ask me how. 

        Stockholm, when you look at the city, is a great city, good at heart. It does many positive deeds, such as provide many beneficial deals. There are free health care, free schools including colleges... even with high-income taxes, and it sounds much better than the USA. In addition, it hands out the Nobel Prizes in Grand Hotel, as well as the banquet for the winners in Stockholm City Hall. Karma does its job, and returns the deeds back to the country of Sweden.







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2016-07-04_City Hall_Blå Hallen Blue Hall-30001.JPG

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