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Guernsey, English Channel(英吉利海峡─根西岛)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月24日08:08:29 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



【Aiden in English】

The first stop of our English Isles cruise is at the small island of Guernsey in the Channel Islands, the sunshine island. The natives are "stubborn as a mule, with a kick like a horse!" Being a part of the Crown dependencies, it is considered the last remnants of the medieval Duchy of Normandy, although not the UK. In other words, Guernsey people take great pride that they are allied with Britain, but not controlled by it. This explains the self-governing or autonomous system, as well as the decision to not be in the European Union, at the beginning. Now that you look at it, with the UK leaving, it seems like a good idea. 

        The island has a long history of wars. After the Battle of Hastings in 1066, Guernsey pledged allegiance to the Crown, which upset the French very much. Fueled by a fiery hatred that had been burning for centuries, the two countries went to war that lasted for over 300 hundred years. Throughout the wars, many bunkers and castles were constructed around the island. The "sunshine island" had become a war zone. Ironically, it was the very exact bunkers and fortifications that started another bloody scene on the island nine centuries later. I’m still scratching my head over why an island measuring five miles wide by nine miles long and an area of 30 square miles is worth a fight. I guess it was more excuse to cut off the other guy's head. 

        In June 1944, WWII was in full swing. Not that it's a good thing, but it did make a few stories. Guernsey was not considered a valuable point to capture. The tiny piece of land was easy to surround and easier to bomb. So, the Allies handed the island over by evacuating every person on Guernsey. Unfortunately, the Germans attacked before the evacuation was complete, but not in the way that you would think. While flying around, scouts reported the fortifications of the century-old bunkers and castles with high, strong walls. Mistaken for a defensive stand, the scouts bombed the parts of the island, ones with civilians. Around thirty people were killed, and the oddest mistake came when the bombers saw a convoy. The trucks were transporting food and necessities for the people, and the Nazis thought they were surface-to-air missiles. These events plagued Guernsey's history, but the one similar aspect that hasn't changed after the bombs is nature. 

        The Guernsey cow and goat are world-renowned animals, sacred and domestic to the island. They produce one of the best butter and milk in the world, being creaming and rich. The butter has a tinge of gold, which is why it is known as gold butter. The island produces its own ice cream as well, is known around the globe. These animals were endangered and on the verge of going extinct, but after becoming herded into farms, the population has steadily grown. Another quick naturalistic fact is that the island has no spiders, snakes, and foxes, which draws in many immigrants, I'm sure. 

        After surviving wars and bombs, the island of Guernsey has rebounded better than ever. Although small, it has a large heart, and Mother Nature is healing like it will naturally do (bad pun).







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