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Loch Ness of Scotland, UK(苏格兰尼斯湖)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月29日08:16:13 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Urquhart Castle0001.JPG

【Aiden in English】

        I don't believe in monsters that live in the bottom of lakes and have never been seen or detected by modern instruments. I also don't believe in monsters that eat humans. But apparently, most of the world thinks otherwise... 

        Don't tell the people at Loch Ness that the legendary monster Nessie isn't real. They can get pretty mad. It's the only reason they are on the map. It's also the only reason there was a tour going there today. The only thing that would resemble the Loch Ness monster in recent history is a sculpture near the hotel. And even it still looks like a dragon. The first sighting of this ... the monster was in the year of 565 by a woman heading inland. When she passed by the loch, a "long and black" monster slithered out of the water. Basically, that was the last sliver of evidence until the twentieth century. By then, the brilliant idea of newspapers has been invented, and the story can be passed on internationally overnight. Before long, the tale became a myth, which transformed into a legend. Nowadays, it's a bedtime story and a warning for little kids. "If you eat too many candies, Nessie will come and eat you!" Later on in life, the kids will realize how gullible they were, most likely bopping themselves on the head. 

        Loch Ness is not the name of the monster “Nessie”; it's just where the monster is located. 'Loch' in Gaelic means 'lake', and Ness is just a title. It is about 22 miles/35,000 m long and 1.5 miles/2,400 m wide.  The best estimate is around 755 ft. /230 m deep, but the silt at the bottom makes measurements difficult to read. If anyone was going to see the monster, it would be today. The tour stopped at the Urquhart Castle guarding the loch against enemies, now which are slimy ruins. Upon arriving, rain began to drip its way down from the sky. Dirt turned to mud; happiness turned to grumpiness. Mist crept down the side of mountains, clouding the vision of the tourists. Half expecting to see thunder and lightning and witness only the third written down “sighting”, I was very disappointed that within the hour. The rain had retired back to where it came from, and the loch was undisturbed. At times, I mistook a boat as the monster, but unfortunately, I was always wrong. The setting would've been perfect for an encounter, walking through a ruined castle, having mist settle over our heads. The stairs to the Grant Tower at the castle were really dangerous, being extremely narrow and slippery. It got absolutely bad when I realized it was a two-way path. I guess the castle was never designed for being a tourist attraction. Most of the roof was gone too, so there wasn't any sympathy from the buildings around me. And my luck sucked as well. 

        I understand that seeing the monster was a tiny chance. If no one has seen it for centuries, why should I? I think that's the wrong question... Is there really a Loch Ness monster?






2016-07-15_Loch Ness w Grant Tower @ Urquhart Castle in the Foreground0001.JPG

2016-07-15_Urquhart Bay & Loch Ness Viewed from Urquhart Castle-10001.JPG

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