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Stonehenge of England, UK(英格兰巨石阵)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年06月01日07:12:14 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



【Aiden in English】

        Time always flows forward. 

        I must say, it's quite a coincidence that we visited Stonehenge on the last day of our 27-day long journey. As I have said in many instances, time makes everything have an ending, such as my European summer vacation. Many describe it as cruel to be so uncompassionate, so unforgiving. But for the Neolithic Stonehenge, the time is the only thing it can tell nowadays. It's quite old if you know what I mean... Like, 4,500 years old. 

        No, Stonehenge isn't a clock. It isn't a calendar either. Think back four and a half thousand years. Time to them might as well be a dream idea within a dream. It could've also been considered a spirit of the supernatural, which is why Stonehenge might've been built. Our tour guide was somewhat honest with us, saying how scientists didn't know baloney about the stones. Theories range as far as a burial area to a calendar to a sacrificial ground to an altar to an execution ring. As much as we know, it could simply have been a buffet line, yet I highly doubt it. The only obvious pieces of evidence are the dead people's remains and the lighting on the solstices. 

        The quick rule out of the first piece of evidence came with a discovery of the Arrow Man. The body of a man was uncovered by archeologists, who noticed arrowheads in his body. Either he ate them for breakfast before the burial or he was killed and left there. Obviously, scientists always pick the more "reasonable" theory, so now we all think Arrow Man was a villain. Maybe we should show them the movie about the superhero Arrow and see what they think. The second piece of evidence was the center of basically all further hypotheses. At the summer and winter solstices, the sun sets exactly between two sarsen stones, right in the middle of a cross-section. This marks the middle day of the year, and also when the days begin to either grow longer or become shorter. Being mostly nomads, this proves immensely important for survival. It may signify the change in the way of life, such as migration or the notification to stock up on food. Time is this way somewhat recorded, even if it is probably the most general way. 

        And after seeing the face of prehistoric European history, I must say, to some extent, every person understands time. And everything understands its effects. Throughout my trip, restoration is trying to reverse what time has done to landmarks of tourism. Although most look probably the best they have been in centuries, you cannot have the exact same image of the past. The past has been washed away, and time intends it to stay that way. By recording this, I'm making history, and I am saving a piece of time forever as long as the Internet. Someday, I hope to 'restore' my memory of the past then, and even if it won't be the same, it will probably seem a lot more worthwhile.







2016-07-19_Stonehenge_Great Cursus Barrows0001.JPG

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