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Eighth Graders on Halloween(初中三年级学生过万圣节)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年06月05日07:08:23 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        Just going to throw it out there, I’m not a very creative costume maker.

        The day before Halloween, I was completely out of ideas. At the beginning of school, Trick-or-Treating was at the top of my to-do list. Brainstorming ideas, I planned out an entire mental outline thought before that faithful night. But as I have come to realize, life never works out. First of all, the “clown” costume was scratched off the list weeks before Halloween, for multiple obvious reasons that have no reason to be elaborated on. Next up in line was to dress up as the joker, but since the costume is so popular, the mask was impossible to find. That left only a few options. Finally, after looking at nearly everything on the shelves at Party City, I chose a transparent reaper mask and a scythe.

        The night of Halloween was quite weird, I must admit. Seemingly a silent night, the streets remained empty into six-thirty. My friends and I, after meeting up in one of their neighborhoods, decided to go out early, as soon as the sunset. I wore a tux with the mask and held the scythe, being a slender/grim reaper type costume. Immediately, certain flaws appeared in the props. The scythe was far too heavy and took up an entire hand. Since the other hand was occupied with a trash bag for candy, I set my weapon down in my friend’s garage.

        We ran around until the moon had risen a few inches above the horizon, and the bag in my left hand began to gain some weight. The shadows had grown to cover the ground like a black liquid. At least, that’s how it felt in my mask. The see-through covering darkened my sight, which is already not perfect. After roaming the houses for around thirty minutes, my vision was limited to seeing black outlines and a faint gridline from the mask’s cotton stitches. Making a quick decision, I decided to take off my mask in between the houses, and every time we hit a house, I quickly pulled down a mask, covering up my eyes briefly, and nearly instantaneously remove the hood after collecting the loot. Other than these small minor road bumps, our little group continued through the streets, collecting the free sugar and potential poisonous candy from strangers wearing shady masks. At the end of the night, our bags filled up with colorful wrappers and we headed back to my friend’s house. Most of the group had gotten a sugar high, bouncing around if not for the tired arms and legs. As I walked back, I began to realize how this Trick-or-Treating might be a dying tradition: nearly every other house had an adult asking if we were too old. I really hate these kinds of judgers, although I do see where they’re coming from.

        Truthfully, these kinds of events I personally believe should be for everyone.







2016-11-07_Transparent Reaper Mask0001.JPG

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