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Recital—Dorothy Sutton Performance Fest(音乐教师节汇报演出)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年06月05日07:28:39 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        I’ve stressed a lot about the upsides of music. Now it’s time to realize why many children quit playing instruments.

        So far in my music “career”, there hasn’t been any major slip-ups on stage quite yet. Not to jinx it, but there really is no reason to mess up things you practice over and over again. Right?

        Today the recital of Dorothy Sutton Performance Festival I was going to in West Chest Univ. was not the most “professional” which was hosted by Philadelphia Music Teacher Association, in the sense that things seemed to be done rather ruggedly. These types of performances are more for the experience than anything since it is one of the rare performances where difficulty doesn’t matter. This provides ups and downs for the performance. Some good qualities this brings to the table include an opportunity for everybody, but at the same time, it makes the show quite boring. Unfortunately for me, although this performance was very laid back, my private teacher saw this as a perfect opportunity to test us under pressure. I say “us” because the song my friend and I were performing was Sonata in D Major K448 3rd Movement, and it was the only composition written for two pianos and four hands by Mozart.

        Yeah, it may be laid back, but performing never is quite like practice. My friend and I played it in two different pianos. Before I list all the mistakes we made under pressure, I would like to say in defense that practice together with my partner was limited, since we don’t live close together or have two pianos in either of our houses. So with this in mind, it kind of covers many reasons why areas in the piece went sour. Luckily, we could recover somewhat after each mistake. It began with a hiccup on my partner’s part, messing up a solo because he choked. Grinning with satisfaction that nobody was perfect since my mother always claimed my friend was always better than I was(he still is), I botched up my follow up melody very badly. The rest of the song went around like a plane ride: we reached the destination, but not without turbulence and being delayed several times at the airport. Finishing with a flurry, we stepped off the stage, blood pumping through our faces.

        After the performance, mother brought me to Manayunk, a famous neighborhood in the outer rim of Philadelphia, to see an old friend of hers. We had lunch in a great American restaurant Winnie’s LeBus Manayunk, as I tried to forget the day’s problems. There were going to be some very stern words said about the performance at home, but until then, I can run from the issue all I want. After all, the real competition comes in January 2017.







2016-11-05_Sonata in D Major K448 3rd Mvt for 2 Pianos by Mozart-120001.JPG

2016-11-05_Mazurka in G Minor Op. 67 No. 2 Posthumous by Chopin-60001.JPG


2016-11-05_Manayunk_St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church0001.JPG

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