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A Letter To-Be-Retired Orthodontist(寫給即將退休矯牙醫生一封信)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年06月06日07:52:59 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


【Aiden in English】

Dear Dr. Bedrosian,

        I never was a fan of braces. In fact, I didn’t want anything to do with teeth. Braces are a nightmare to me, surrounded by stereotypes, pain, and rumors. They became the worst thing I had ever known. Then I met my orthodontist, you. You have no idea how scared I was when I sat in that reclining chair the first time and you molded my teeth. But as time went on, I discovered more and more of a humorous side to you and learned a common passion for traveling. In what little time we met, you made it the most valuable time it could be. 

        You know, a young boy like me does not understand much about extreme changes in life. However, I do understand walking away from something important, something that has been around for eternity. The feeling of realization that you will never be or see that position in life again is very emotionally strong. But as my teachers used to say, all things must come to an end. Yet it does not mean there cannot be something to take its place.

        Passions are like teeth; they grow and become strong, but at some point, they all fall out or grow cavities. Yet there are always things that can be done. The old tooth is replaced by a new tooth. A cavity can be filled (lots of experience in that category). I understand that this particular passion loosening and falling out must take much to fill, so if there is one thing I recommend when you depart, it is to find a new tooth, one with a lot of strength and consistency. A tooth that you can lean and rely to bite through the hardest of problems. A tooth that is truly irreplaceable. Furthermore, brush that passion. A lot. So much that it shines and clean it to the point where nothing may hold it back. Every gym teacher in my life told me to work out. Every music tutor in my life told me to practice. Every dentist in my life told me to brush my teeth. I guess it’s my turn to tell you to brush your new tooth when it grows since it will need to be as healthy as possible. Passions can only be passions if they are treated like ones. Retirement is going to be an enormous change, and I completely understand that. But it can also be a huge opportunity to grow a new tooth, a chance for a new passion.

        Your 8th-grade patient and, more importantly, friend,



        The world is very large. 

        There is much to see. 











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