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Česky Krumlov the Medieval Town, CTE(捷克中世纪古城克鲁姆洛夫)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年06月21日07:56:33 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Cesky Krumlov0001.JPG

【Aiden in English】

        The Czech Republic, also known as Czechia, previously known as Czech-Slovakia, before that known as the Bohemian Kingdom, is an interesting country, to say the least. Its numbers run along the same lines of Austria regarding population and area, but everything else couldn't be more drastic. The people, the culture, and the religion all have their differences, and today's trip to Česky Krumlov, a small medieval town, demonstrates the contrast.

        So why does Czech contrast so much between its neighbors? Surprisingly, it all was related to recent history. World War II affected many countries, but rarely any as much as Czech. Adolf Hitler, assuming command of Germany, was granted the ownership to certain areas of Czech. He drove out a lot of the natives and gave the land to the Germans. At the time, most of the Czech actually was populated by Germans. Hitler gave them control, harshly punishing Czechs. After the war, Czechs returned the favor and kicked out most Germans from their borders. Therefore, much of the country nowadays is non-German. Furthermore, Czech had closed borders for half a century after WWII because of its position behind the Iron Curtain. And finally, they separated from Slovakia in 1992, resulting in another splitting of cultures.

        For these reasons, the Czech Republic is quite different from any other of its neighbors. However, it brews and drinks beer at an astonishing rate, much like its neighbors, leading the world in beer consumption. According to the locals, beer is water and not alcohol, which to some point is true. Beer, in most places, is cheaper than water, encouraging more consumption. In fact, the average beer consumed in a day is over 0.4 liters/13.5 fl oz? and that's including the underaged children and babies.

        All of this was on display at Česky Krumlov. This fairytale town is quite delicate, with a minuscule population of thirteen thousand people. However, it's the tourists that dominate the narrow, commercialized streets. And cars. Why are cars allowed on cobble, narrow pedestrian lanes filled with people, pets, and street vendors? I don't know. Regardless, the tourism core fuels the town. At the town center lies a hill with a Česky Krumlov Castle. The 13th-century castle has recently restored in Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque styles. It is a typical European castle, having battlements, living quarters, and the main tower. However, the view from its various angles of the town was spectacular. Walking down from the hill, I saw many touristic attractions at play, like pretty souvenir shops and numerous street-side musicians. This showed the dependence on tourism here. The Vltava River wrapped around the old town provided sections for mom and me to set foot in the medieval times. To be honest, Česky Krumlov at least requires a good day or so to explore. An interesting item that we could've done further exploration in was the food and drink, as we only tried a single street snack called Trdelník. Rabbit, oddly, seemed to be a traditional dish, but outside of fine dining, there was much to try and only so little time.

        Česky Krumlov is the only town we will be stopping at within the Czech Republic this time, unfortunately. It, however, has shown the differences between the rest of our itinerary by a single tour in the past five centuries. Yet there is still much to see in Czech, so I may be possibly returning in the future to discover more of this small country.







Today in History(历史上的今天):

2016: The British Isles via Kirkwall(英国—途径柯克沃尔城环游英伦三岛)

2016: New vs. Old Cruise, UK(英国─新旧游轮对比)

2014: First Day of YMCA Soccer Camp(基督教青年会营足球营第一天)

2012: Stage Taste(演戏兴趣)

2011: Drama-Sports Camp-3(文体营之三)

2011: 业余活动(Extracurricular Activities)

2010: 讨价还价外传(Another Bargain)

2017-07-07_Historic Ctr of Česky Krumlov near Vltava River-80001.JPG



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