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Capital Bratislava, Slovakia(斯洛伐克首都布拉迪斯拉发)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年06月22日08:29:01 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



【Aiden in English】

        The capital city of Bratislava, the only stop in Slovakia this trip, was unfortunate to only have us for three hours. Therefore, mom and I were going to make the most of our time docked before sailing to Hungary. I will say, the Slovakia Republic deserves much more appreciation than this, as it must have somewhat equal status as its recently divorced partner, the Czech Republic. Many cultures between these two countries are the same, but there are major differences. For example, the splitting of the country was due to ethnic differences, and their dissolution carried onwards from there. Up to date, Czech held the koruna as its currency, while Slovakia accepted the euro.

        Certainly Bratislava, compared to other stops on our river cruise of Viking Ingvi, was not the most exciting. However, this is most likely a one-and-done situation. Even if city walking tours and panoramic drives were available, mom and I would still make sure we would use up every minute on land. Fortunately, Bratislava is quite a large city, which means lots of nooks and crannies to explore.

        In large, European cities, there are commonly two sections: the old and new town. No one likes the new town, so most tourist-target the cobble roads and stone Schloss Kirche. After being set down from a short walk through town, featuring nothing, in particular, mom and I took off. To us, walking another few miles around town is not rare. In fact, we usually take about an hour or more on our own every stop if the tour gives extra time. Therefore, we spent a good hour twisting and turning our way back to the port.

        A few notable items in the city. Apart from the terrible "nice to meet you" pun (which I thought was a mis-steak at first), much of the city was like any other old European metropolis. Bratislava is actually a big city, nearly equaling Vienna, despite only having one-third of its population. This means there aren't many locals in the streets, just tourists. Furthermore, most of the side shops are either restaurants and coffee houses or souvenir shops. Bratislava also has five bridges. Based on extreme creativity, people gave the city the nickname: City of Five Bridges. At least it wasn't 'City of One Hundred and Eighty Restaurants'.

        Like anywhere else on the Danube, the city is half alcoholic, minus the addiction part of it. Slovaks like to drink wine, beer, brandy, champagne, liquor, and coffee which is a type of alcohol on its own. Therefore, people make up excuses to exceedingly drink alcohol. For example, wine has wisdom (and water), beer has freedom (and water) and water has bacteria. Doesn't really add up, but WATevER, right?

        And that about sums up the amazing city of Bratislava: Creative alcoholics running out of coffee houses and off bridges into the not-so-blue Danube River. But with all joking aside, the capital city of Slovakia is much too big a city to explore in one day, so all we can get is a snapshot. Don't worry, mom got many of those.








Today in History(历史上的今天):

2016: Dublin the Pale, Ireland(爱尔兰都柏林苍穹)

2016: Dublin the Fair City, Ireland(爱尔兰都柏林集市)

2016: Avoca—IRL's Oldest Weaving Mill(爱尔兰最老的纺织作坊—阿沃卡)

2016: Glendalough Monastery, Ireland(爱尔兰格兰达洛修道院)

2016: County Wicklow the Garden of Ireland(爱尔兰花园—威克洛郡)

2014: Bug Show @ Soccer YMCA Camp(昆虫到访基督教青年会夏令营)



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