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送交者: 一草 2020年06月23日14:26:54 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话





其中多人有中国情报和军事部门背景 第一个就是买买提上著名的铁杆川粉,曾通过买买提组织Chinese Americans for Trump并组织拉票和打飞机等活动,现在被爆出是驻洛杉矶中共领事馆的内线。现在自己组织了游说公司为中共拉拢共和党内关系,涉嫌违反了外国政府代理人法。 

Soon af-ter Don-ald Trump took of-fice, peo-ple with ties to the Chi-nese state poured hun-dreds of thou-sands of dol-lars into his re-elec-tion bid to get close to and po-ten-tially in-flu-ence the new pres-i-dent. The ef-fort had early suc-cess in gain-ing ac-cess, in par-tic-u-lar with those in-volved meet-ing the pres-i-dent or top Re-pub-li-cans at fundrais-ers or at an in-ter-nal GOP lead-er-ship meet-ing. It re-veals how China seeks to build in-roads into U.S. pol-i-tics, gather in-for-ma-tion on U.S. lead-ers and if pos-si-ble af-fect pol-icy-mak-ing. Sev-eral of those in-volved in the ef-fort worked closely with Chi-na’s na-tional-se-cu-rity ap-pa-ra-tus, in-clud-ing or-ga-ni-za-tions linked to its mil-i-tary, and briefed prom-inent Chi-nese po-lit-i-cal fig-ures about their ef-forts.


 Soon af-ter the 2016 elec-tion, of-fi-cials from Chi-na’s con-sulate in Los An-ge-les ap-proached a pro-Trump or-ga-nizer named David Tian Wang, said peo-ple who worked with him. A na-tive of China with a U.S. green card, Mr. Wang had founded a group called Chi-nese Amer-i-cans for Trump and had long as-so-ci-a-tions with peo-ple and groups in Cal-i-for-nia sup-ported by Chi-na’s gov-ern-ment, ac-cord-ing to Chi-nese of-fi-cial web-sites and state me-dia. The Chi-nese con-sulate asked for Mr. Wang’s help in lob-by-ing on China is-sues dur-ing the Trump ad-min-is-tra-tion, said Lance Chen, a for-mer mem-ber of Mr. Wang’s po-lit-i-cal group. Mr. Chen said Mr. Wang tried to re-cruit him for the lob-by-ing ef-fort but he de-clined to help. Mr. Wang was soon listed as chief ex-ec-u-tive of a newly reg-is-tered gov-ern-ment-re-la-tions firm in Cal-i-for-nia, Wang & Ma Gov-ern-ment Re-la-tions LLC, state busi-ness records show. He also gave $150,000 to the Trump Vic-tory fundrais-ing com-mit-tee, ac-cord-ing to Fed-eral Elec-tion Com-mis-sion dis-clo-sures. He be-came a fre-quent pres-ence in Re-pub-li-can cir-cles. In one case, Mr. Wang was quoted in Chi-nese-lan-guage me-dia in the U.S. as say-ing he used ac-cess to the Trump cam-paign to push a view that U.S. mil-i-tary de-ploy-ments in the con-tested South China Sea were a waste of money. Lob-by-ists for for-eign gov-ern-ments are re-quired to reg-is-ter with the Jus-tice De-part-ment. Mr. Wang’s name doesn’t ap-pear in the de-part-ment’s for-eign-agents data-base.

  Fucking liar. 听你说的人都是蠢比. - 绿野仙人 06/25/20 (94)
  尔等反美汉奸只配跪舔黑人种族主义分子   /无内容 - 小琴爸 06/24/20 (76)
  您的意思,中共和川普穿一条裤子?有冇搞错?  /无内容 - 冷眼世界 06/23/20 (83)
    你觉得有无幕后的世界性的减少人口计划?  /无内容 - 仙遊野人 06/23/20 (92)
      你这阴谋论崇拜者怎么会问这样的问题?  /无内容 - 明君小雪 06/23/20 (88)
        认错人了,呵呵  /无内容 - pifu01 06/24/20 (111)
          是啊,雪忘了我给她问过数学题还解释过潮汐锁定,那一位不懂。 - 仙遊野人 06/24/20 (88)
            扫瑞,意识到那个神叨叨的是绿仙,您这是游仙。  /无内容 - 明君小雪 06/24/20 (83)
        我没有崇拜阴谋论,只是带着问号前去探访。  /无内容 - 仙遊野人 06/24/20 (84)
      不好说。可能不是故意减少,而是可救时放任不救。  /无内容 - pifu01 06/23/20 (86)
  丑陋的献金政治 一切靠钱运转!  /无内容 - gooddday 06/23/20 (83)
    商人逐利,见利忘义,本性。  /无内容 - 明君小雪 06/23/20 (89)
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