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Short Story─Reunion(短篇小说─相逢)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年07月06日08:53:30 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        A boy sat alone in a graveyard. He was seven years old, his name was Phillip, and he was an orphan. Visiting the gravesite of his mother and father and deep in thought, the boy did not hear a stranger sneak up behind him.

        “Quiet, boy. Don’t say a word!” the stranger said, wrapping one arm around Phillip’s neck, almost choking him. “One word, and I’ll cut your throat!” He whipped out a clean blade, sparkling in the afternoon sun.

        Phillip, suddenly seized of control, limply hung in the man’s grip.

        Surprised at the lack of resistance, the stranger was astounded. “Kid, aren’t you going to do anything?”

        This man, Todd Bowles, a robber and murderer, terrorizer of a child who wandered too far from home. Towering in height, Todd’s hands could crush Phillip’s skull with a pinch.

        In total honesty, Todd was nothing more than a petty thief. A man who childishly defied society’s rules. A fraud. A man too lazy to work his way up society, and simultaneously too scared to murder. Some of his friends called him a wuss. He didn’t mind. Besides, most of the time, a knife pressed to the throat usually persuaded his victims to concede.

        However, the situation finally presented itself in the form of Phillip Cruso, a seven-year-old kid. At the end of the day, Phillip had no reason to live. While on a stroll through the park, his parents were murdered by a thief, the one who preyed off of the unsuspecting, much like Todd. Phillip watched it happen helplessly.

        Phillip’s life flew by, a sorrowing newspaper tossed around in the wind. He continued to watch it fly, moment to moment, until today.

        Phillip stiffened in Todd’s arms, realizing his situation, and how close he was to his parents’ same fate, nearly as helpless as he was ten years ago.

        In that instant, his parents emerged from the gravestone, kneeling beside him, faint outlines marking their presence. Although Phillip knew they weren’t there, and this was just all a part of his imagination, he was glad their spirits were with him. His mother’s perfume, sweet, floated through the brisk dusk air. His father, stout and tall, gingerly placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Phillip relaxed again, accepting his parents’ touch.

        “Kid, you’re really annoying me right now!” Todd, sweating in nervousness, was mustering all his energy to stop his hand from shaking. He had no experience with such a quiet response.

        “Hey, ya know, this can all be ova’, if you just give me some money. But if ya’ don’t…” Todd readied himself. He took long, deep breathes, but even that couldn’t stop his beating heart.

        “C’mon, Todd, you’re a man,” he murmured to himself. “This is very unprofessional.”

        Phillip, still entrapped in a trance, staring into empty space. His parents, waving and smiling, was all he could think about. “I’m coming ma, pap. I’m coming.”

        “Well, time’s up, kid.” Todd held his breath. He leveled the knife, edge nicking the soft tissue of Phillip’s bare neck. Sweat dripped down his forehead. He readjusted his grip on the knife, holding the handle in an iron grip. Gritting his teeth, Todd tensed.

        The next morning, Phillip awoke to the sound of chirping birds and shrieking crows. He was lying in front of his parents’ tombstone, covered in a fine layer of frost. He wasn’t cold.

        Phillip shakily stood up. After glancing around, he turned and began to walk away. However, he stopped a few steps later, turned, and waved goodbye to his parents.

        His parents waved back.



        “安静,小子,别作声!” 陌生人说道,一只手臂卡住菲利普的脖子,差点叫他窒息。“一个字,我割断你的喉咙!”陌生人掏出干净刀片,在午后阳光下闪闪发光。











        “来哟,托德,你是男子汉,” 他自言自语:“这太掉价了。”


        “好吧,时间到了,小鬼头。” 托德屏住呼吸,拿平刀子,将刀刃紧贴菲利普脖子后面软组织上,汗滴顺着前额流了下来。这时他又调整了一下刀把,用手握住铁柄。托德紧张得不行,牙齿咬得嘎嘎响。




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10-09-07_ Hanalei Bay-20001.JPG


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