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Higher Education Should't Be Free(评论—高教不该免费)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年07月06日09:28:34 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        Higher education should not be free, as the average quality will decrease, and a system as such has too many holes to be viably used.

        From the start, paying for higher education equaled the higher quality of education. According to CollegeData, private schools on average cost thirty-four thousand dollars, compared to the public school average, twenty-five thousand. As common knowledge, private schools are superior in technology and teaching compared to public educational systems. Project a free education system onto the existing one. Private schools remain atop the education system, still demanding money, and public schools continue to dip in the quality of education. A 2010 study conducted by NerdWallet showed that, on average, “Public school grads earned just 80% of what private school grads earned”. This drastically proves the difference between private and public schools, as well as their effects. If the higher education system becomes free, then the gap between private and public would continue to grow. What would be the point of having free education if most people would still prefer to pay for a good college?

        Free education, although the results are still up to debate, may have a positive outcome towards the economy. Perhaps, the government can somehow cover the cost of college through distribution among the population to severely decrease the price. It sounds like a good plan, but it is not viable. Alone, the system is unstable. Never before has a country with such a large economy and internal debt, combined with a large population, implemented a free education. Agreed, the result can very well benefit the country, but to what risk, and at what chance? With prices for college continuing to grow, where would the money come from? Raising taxes is unpopular. The federal budget is limited. With these uncertainties, is it safe to provide free education?


1. US Department of Education.

2. “What's the Price Tag for a College Education?” CollegeData, 2. www.collegedata.com/cs/content/content_payarticle_tmpl.jhtml?articleId=10064.

3. Wei, Stephanie. “How Your College Choice Affects Your Career.” NerdWallet, 3. www.nerdwallet.com/blog/nerdscholar/college-and-career-study/.






1. 美国教育部

2. “大学教育标价多少?” 大学数据库网址:


3. 韦筱洁: “你的大学选择如何影响你的职业生涯” 书生钱包网址:


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