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2017 Winter Concert of Ninth Grade(2017年高一冬季音乐会)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年07月06日09:43:32 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        From the first introduction to music, I never was the biggest fan of jazz. It didn’t make a lot of sense. I thought the melodies were awful. Perhaps these opinions come from the classical side, but jazz never appealed to me.

        So what convinced me to join the Jazz band of Pennbrook MS? Is it the reputation of being the best in the state of Pennsylvania, or that most of my friends were already planned to try out? I really don’t know. 

        In previous years, I participated in the Wind Ensemble, alongside many other talented players. We had a good time, played music pieces I enjoyed and performed with my alto and baritone saxophone. Yet I wasn’t satisfied. After two years of Wind Ensemble, I saw that my skill didn’t reach as high as those of Jazz. I lacked sight-reading and fingering speed compared to others. Although I still held a fairly high position in the band, the skill gap between those in Jazz and mine widened.

        Therefore, I suppose the reason why I joined Pennbrook’s Jazz Band was to improve my skill. This, however, brings some difficulty in my life.

        First of all, the music is difficult, understandably. Pennbrook holds many accolades for the best jazz band in the Eastern region of the US for some time now. The pressure to not underperform a standard is very tough, but I can manage it. Wind Ensemble doesn’t have a competitive measure to the band, which probably is why I was hesitant to join Jazz. Never truly performing in front of a set of judges will make my experience difficult.

        Along with the trend of difficult tasks, the music has tasked my fingers and lips for quite a while. Only until recently could I confidently play the songs without a slip. Adding the problems, I was one of the only kids in Jazz to not have a private teacher. From conversations with friends, private teachers, other than providing exercises and mechanics, base content off of school-given music. Left to figure most of the notes out myself, I can’t say it was easy, but I pushed through. A lot of the motivation came from the band director, Mr. Neu (he has a lot of awards). Although middle school bands typically don’t like to single out the weaker players, Mr. Neu isn’t afraid to single out parts of the band, and it’s not like each part of the band is very large. This characteristic also makes this band the best it can and should be. Now, I’m bringing it up because we just performed at the winter concert, and our performance sounded terrible by Jazz standards. But the spirits are still high and hopeful as we enter the jazz season, where every other week will be another jazz festival and judging session. Until then, I better practice and perfect what needs to be done.








Today in History(历史上的今天):

2014: Definition/Define─Krypton(状物─氪)

2013: Easy Fishing in Cochin, India(印度科钦捞鱼)

2012: Easter Island—Moai Statues, Chile(智利复活节岛—摩艾石像)

2010: 节日热情(Holiday Enthusiasm)

2009: 新西兰奥克兰异乡重逢(Reunion in Auckland, NZ)

2009: 新西兰奥克兰(Auckland, New Zealand)


2016 Winter Concert of Eighth Grade(2016年初三冬季音乐会)

2015 Winter Concert of Seventh Grade(2015年初二冬季音乐会)

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