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Poem─Christmas Star(诗歌─圣诞之星)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年07月06日09:49:12 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

                People of Earth always rumor

                About the stars above with humor

                Yet all the people do not understand

                Why they never reach out a helping hand.

                Upon looking up, I see

                The very stars staring down at me

                Albeit the beauty and glimmering shine

                They have not spoken from their own confines.

                Rolling up the issues of life

                The stars beyond walk strife for strife

                How fast I try, each star

                Remains a-watching from afar.

                Finally I stopped, my legs growing tired

                And realize the time is about expired,

                I stoop low, depressed, but surprisingly see

                A bright, glowing star on a Christmas tree.

                It simply sat there, without a word

                Up top the tree, like a bird.

                Desperately grasping, I asked for a way

                A way to reach the stars far away

                Kneeling at the feet of its roots

                I stared at snow around my boots.

                Looking up, for one last time

                I heard the faintest of a chime.

                The Christmas star shined a light

                A lightway up, a beam so bright

                The stars answered its lingering call

                Seemingly silent, they began to fall.

                And I asked a wish.

                A Christmas wish.

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2014: The Party of Electronics(电子游戏聚会)

2013: Chaaya Island, Maldives(马尔代夫梦幻岛)

2012: Santiago—City of the Island, Chile(智利圣地亚哥—岛山之城)

2010: 节日期待(Holiday Anxiety)

2009: 新西兰陶波湖区(Lake Taupo, NZ)

2014-12-28_Macy's Christmas Tree0001.JPG


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