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Ninth-Grade Winter English Reading(高一寒假阅读作业)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年07月07日05:54:59 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】


        I wanted to let you know that your child has been assigned some reading for the holiday break (12/25/2017-01/01/2018). I hesitate to give homework over a holiday, but I felt that it was necessary for us to stay on pace. Just to clarify the assignment, please note the following items.

        Chapters 9 through 14 are due in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. This is about 40 pages of reading. The due date is Wednesday, January 3rd of 2018, so it is not due the day we return. That day, January 2nd, students will have most of the class to read, so they should be able to finish a chapter or so during class.  Also, I let the kids know about it on Wednesday, and we've had no homework the last two nights, so there's a good chance they've already begun.  

        Given all this, I hope you'll agree that this is not an especially burdensome amount of work. Nevertheless, I'm sure some of you will hear some complaints, so I hope this information will help you talk them through it!

        Thank you for your support and I hope you have a pleasant holiday.


                                                                                        Mr. English Teacher









Today in History(历史上的今天):

2013: Big-O-Points over the Indian Ocean(游戏积分)

2012: Valparaiso—Jewel of the Pacific, Chile(智利瓦尔帕莱索港—太平洋明珠)

2010: 二年级螺旋教学法(Spiral Approach)



6th Grade Argumentative─Homework(初一议论文─论家庭作业)

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一周点击热帖 更多>>
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2019: 重贴:笑死我了。我对一个新认识的同阵
2018: 想要和金三交易,看来美国佬先需要端正
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2017: CNN分析为啥克太输了,民调都错了,错
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