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2018 CNY Gala @ CGCC(2018年神州基督教会春晚联欢)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年07月07日13:14:06 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        Sometimes I think the passing zodiacs of like a food chain in an ecosystem: this year, it’s the dog eating the chicken.

        Speaking of eating, the annual service of the Lunar New Year at China Grace Christian Church was nice, as usual. This year was somewhat different since a blizzard decided to come and ruin the party. Regardless, that didn’t stop a delicious dinner and an entertaining performance from taking place in the warm, cozy indoors. The food was amazing, and so was the performance. There were a few miracles dropped into tonight as well. A grandma, Mrs. Qiao, was celebrating her 95th birthday, incredibly, and perhaps most spectacular of all, she had a beautiful voice and seemed to be bursting with energy. It’s now a tradition for her to sing What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong every year, and it’s probably the only staple in the program. Everything else is unique and fresh, rarely containing reruns.

        From a nice topic to a more serious one, a blizzard was sent our way. Although there was a debate on whether to move the celebration, much thought by moving up the program we would miss most of the snow. What we didn’t expect was for the snowflakes to be the size of ping-pong balls and the accumulation to be so fast. By the time the show was over, there must be a good three inches on the ground already. Worst of all, the snow would melt a bit, resulting in terrible traction for wheels. The problems continued. There was extremely low visibility, as well as the snow-covered windows. At one point, the car struggled to get over a hill, and it really was a terrifying experience.

        Here’s an interesting point I was thinking on the way back though. Yes, we made it back home alive and safe, minimal damage suffered. A Christian at that moment would think that his/her safe journey was due to the hand of God. If you look at the world as a whole, all Christians have one thing in common: they’re alive. In this case, God has done no wrong, regardless of their social standings. However, in the countless, horrible moments on this earth, among the millions who believe yet perish, what is their say?

        Return back to the blizzard. God is not all-powerful. He cannot change the natural laws of science. Those people who continue to say that the unknown for science is the work of God. That is somewhat a flawed mindset. You cannot state what is not known to be the work of an omniscient being. When science continues to advance and explain why we are here, those certain believers go on to push back what God can do. If science exponentially grows as we see it do now, in a thousand years or so, God may no longer have definable powers. 

        Yet there most likely still will be a God (assuming it’s not a cult). It will entirely be a personal faith, one that metaphorically stands beside you during times of need. Perhaps a bit of luck here and there won’t hurt, but that God will give the motivation and strength to get past tougher tests. It’s what’s nice about local churches: they are the place where people can connect with their personal faith and achieve self-confidence. For me, it’s a place to spend New Year’s with family and friends who believe in God.


        有时我觉得交替出现的十二生肖如同生态系统中的食物链: 2018年与其说玉犬送金鸡,不如说是狗吃掉了鸡。







2017 CNY Gala @ CGCC(2017年神州基督教会春晚联欢)

2015 CNY Celebrated w/ Yo-Yo @ CGCC(2015年神州教会抖空竹)

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2011: 压岁钱(Lucky Money)

2010: 愿望排行榜(Wish List)

2009: 阿鲁巴—开心之岛(One Happy Island, Aruba)

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