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Pennbrook Mini Ensembles’ Night(宾溪初中迷你音乐晚会)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年07月09日06:59:36 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        Last performance of Pennbrook MS, onto the high school. Can’t say I’m not nervous, because I am, but at the end of the day, it’s nothing more than just a simple performance. If anything, this is less than a normal concert, since each selection is played by groups consisting of less than ten people. Most of the bands were put together by music directors, from the jazz band to the orchestra and some vocal ensembles. A few were formed from people who just wanted to play a song before the end of our Pennbrook experience, such as mine.

        In the end, I participated in a total of three different selections. The first was a saxophone small ensemble, where we majorly screwed up. We played twisty “Sabre Dance” by Aram Khatchaturian, probably the most annoying song for any bass instrument. It’s almost the exact same concept of “March of the Dwarfs” by Edvard Grieg, with a repetitive back and forth eighth note harmony. For most of the song, I felt as though my thumb was going to fall off from pressing the octave key so many times. In total, I played an exact six different notes. While that may sound simple, the physical load pretty much broke the entire bari-sax section.

        I think the song was a massive failure, even though we made it through. However, things got better quickly. I was essentially cornered into playing Rachmaninoff's Prelude in G Minor Op. 23 No. 5 again, but this time I felt alright getting through the song, even after practicing on such short notice. I will say it boosted my confidence going into the final piece. 

        Earlier this week, our band director asked us to be the closure of the concert, which we accepted with alacrity. Not going to lie, that was a lot of pressure, considering how good the other performances were tonight. The final piece was the Monsters Inc. theme by Randy Newman and arr. Trombastion, a song all of us wanted to play for quite some time. So after searching around for a bit, I found sheet music for a trombone, sax, drum set, piano, and bass. Wow, that’s convenient, it’s like a jazz gig… 

        Because of weird scheduling for me, the practice was somewhat of a problem. I didn’t have lunch study, and other times were filled with classes. So we all decided to sacrifice a few lunches to practice. I wasn’t complaining because it’s one of the rare times when the band room is expectedly quiet. 

        Eventually, we got the gist of the thing. When performance time came around, I feel we were pretty lucky. Not only did the introduction to the song go alright, which it normally never does, I actually didn’t look as if I was going to puke. Not going to lie, this performance freaked me out immensely, since I don’t consider myself a jazz pianist. Somehow, I had it work and didn’t botch up a solo, which is seemingly easy but difficult for a novice not used to play piano on a swing beat. End of the story, I made it through the entire thing. I also finished off the last chord an octave too high. Guess you can say we ended on a high note. 

        At the end of the day, Pennbrook really feels like the start of my musical life. I totally understand how the numerous performances for piano have begun a trend long before, but nothing beats playing in front of friends.

        “Music is to the mind, as air is to the body.” (Plato)










Today in History(历史上的今天):

2015 GHCS Commencement—Bitter-Sweet-Salty(羡慕嫉妒爱)

2014 Golden Key in Carnegie Hall(2014年卡内基金钥匙音乐节)


2018: Ninth-Grade Pit Orchestra(高一伴奏管弦乐队)

2017 Eighth-Grade Spring Concert(2017年初三春季音乐会)

2017 Pennbrook MS Spring Concert(2017年宾溪初中春季音乐会)

2016 Seventh-Grade Spring Concert(2016年初二春季音乐会)

2015 Mont Band Spring Concert(2015年蒙小管乐队春季音乐会)

2015 Sixth-Grade Spring Concert(2015年初一春季音乐会)

2014 Fifth-Grade Spring Concert(2014年五年级春季音乐会)

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