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Olympia the Archaeological Site, GRC(希腊奥林匹亚─考古遗址)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年07月13日06:53:58 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



【Aiden in English】

        Olympia, Greece. A grand, majestic name as a center for the worship of Zeus in the 10th century B.C. Right next to Athens and Pompeii, its appearance only grants half the fame. It's the legends, the history, and the stuff hiding behind the name that gives substance. It's also why everyone on board seems to be taking a tour to Ancient Olympia along River Kladeos in the Peloponnesus.

        So what is Olympia? Well, the best description would be a mix between the stones of Athens and the layout of Pompeii. It's got the architecture of an ancient Greek city, with the iconic symmetrical styles in harmony. As compared to Pompeii, it's in ruins, and I kind of thought they looked alike. Olympia consisted of Hera and Zeus Temples, the Altis of the sanctuary to the gods, stadium, and multiple areas for contestants to prep and wash. More stunningly, the Temple of Zeus is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World where the gold and ivory statue of the Olympian Zeus was housed. Much like the other two, it held a reputation to be unbelievable, otherworldly. I did feel that way about Athens, but not so much about Olympia. While I did enjoy walking around, including standing on the starting line of the marble blocks after nearly 1,500 years, the area dawned in comparison with the other two historic Titans. Like Pompeii, Olympia was hit by a natural disaster in the form of an earthquake. With minimal structures remaining, Olympia seemed as if a child went through the city of Legos and knocked everything to pieces. Most Roman bricks and Greek stones were scattered in piles, and I don't think any survived sports structure stood above five feet in height.

        But I guess this place makes up in history. It has a deep run of popularity starting in the 776 BC, when the first Olympic Games began, hence the name. In the Archaeological Museum, what we could trace back is parts of the pediment from the Temple of Zeus, including scenes commemorating Pelop's chariot race and illustrating the mythical war between the Centaurs and the Lapiths. With no surprise, the figures of the Hermes of Praxiteles and the Winged Victory or Nike of Panionios were inscribed on all the 2004 Olympic medals. In addition, a "Miltiades" helmet once belonged to the commander whose forces defeated the Persian of Darius I at Marathon. While the Olympic Games have captured the world for almost three thousand years, it all began from a small oval stadium in the middle of pretty much nowhere. Ironically, its popularity also is its downfall, with no country wanting to spend the money on hosting.

        Overall, I would have to say Olympia was alright, simply because its rivals were too stunning. Olympia felt the middle sister, neither the best nor the cutest. So it kind of sits in the forest, slowly decaying and crumbling to nature. It also has a problem with people stealing rocks. When you need a sign to say "don't steal out rocks", you know you're in deep desperation. 

        After a shopping session and lunch, we ended the trip on another. Other than the ruins in Olympia, the area had little to showcase. In fact, most items of interest were museums about the Olympics, so we went to the Ancient Olympic Games Museum nearly to see some old artifacts. Although Olympia currently does not have the looks of Athens or Pompeii, its history may be richer and more enchanting in sports. The amount of information the guide threw at us felt like an entire unit of social studies, from punishment for rule-violations to the winner's prize. It's odd because so many people come for the history, not just the view. I definitely wouldn't have associated such great history to a place like Olympia, but because of records and the current Olympics, millions flock to this area. Virtual reconstruction provides tourists a decent replication of the original model.

        Standing in history always gives the feeling of being overwhelmed. The same marble starting line marked thousands of Olympic racers beforehand, and it also has my mark on it as well (It might be the best-preserved item in the entire area). But I breathe in this overwhelmed feeling and savor it. It's not often that you can stand on the first Olympics race track.





        总的来说奥林匹亚不错,何况其参照对象个个出类拔萃,它夹在两座姐妹古城中间,既不最聪明也不超可爱,只好置身于茫茫林海,慢慢地衰老死去,渐渐地回归自然。偷取石头可谓另一棘手问题,但凡出现 “切勿私拿石头”这样的 告示,说明你已处于绝望状态。



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