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送交者: 直言 2013年10月08日12:32:34 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

I have to say something in order to keep so that my Physics PhD degree won't be which is in danger to betaken away by the angry mobsters revolutionary mass(If you are whining, at least, say it right) 

Wilson was awarded the 1982 Nobel Prize in Physics not because of his the advance of renormalization group theory,but its great result applied He won it for its application to phase transitions and critical phenomena. Because of same For that reason,  many physicists believed that the prize also should also be awarded to Mike Fisher who told Wilson how renormalization group theory could be applied to condensed matters physics to begin with, and had done much work himself many illuminating works as well. (What do you mean by "illuminating"? It would confuse the hell out of English-speaking readers if you meant "enlightening".) It was also (logically, you are introducing an entirely different pointYou don't need this "also") the best era of the physics dept of Cornell University.


I have to say something in order to keep my Physics PhD degree which is in danger to be taken away by revolutionary mass. 

Wilson was awarded the 1982 Nobel Prize in Physics not because of the advance of renormalization group theory, but its great result applied to phase transitions and  critical phenomena.    Because of same reason,  many physicists believed that the prize also should be awarded to Mike Fisher who told Wilson how renormalization group theory could be applied to condensed matters physics and had done many illuminating works as well.  It was also the best era of the physics dept of Cornell University.


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2008: 起因是这样的。。。