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K19 为什么错了
送交者: 今世易 2013年11月26日21:54:20 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


接着K19collectiveevolution.com 拷贝了一段文字,并给了一个介绍DNA teleport 的链接,如果你读K19推荐的文章,都表达了一个意思:DNA 可以通过莫名其妙的teleport 的形式在纯水中产生DNA,注意这里是物质的空间传送,很明显K19理直气壮地说出来,那么,他肯定是坚信这种无中生有的DNA的产生方式的。

本人对此非常吃惊,于是挑了他们举证的诺贝尔奖得主Luc Motagnier 的实验结果做了一番调查。

K19 引用的那段文字是这样的:

In an astonishing experiment performed by Nobel Prize winner Dr. Luc Montagnier, DNA was randomly created out of nothing but sterilized water. The experiment used two separate sealed test tubes, one containing sterilized water and the other carrying both sterilized water and DNA. After electrifying both tubes and letting the tubes sit for eighteen hours, Dr. Montagnier was surprised to see that the tube that had originally contained nothing but water had produced tiny DNA strands(LM的原著里没有提到产生DNA片段,他们是测定电磁信号EMS). This was a shock for many reasons, mainly because water only contains hydrogen and oxygen and a DNA molecule is much more complex. How could something like this possibly happen? It seemed as though the DNA had teleported from one tube to the other, like they were connected by an unknown force.

LM2009年的原始论文里的实验方法是这样的(见下图):容器中左边的试管为浓度10^-3 稀释DNA,右边是10^-9稀释浓度DNA,很清楚没有一管是不含DNA的清水。然后通过18-24小时按照protocol的培育后(见黑色试管),右侧试管的EMS(电磁信号)发生了趋向左侧(donor管)变化(省略具体内容),所以LM以此推断同源DNA之间有teleport现象,虽然这个结论受到几乎全世界科学家的质疑,但是至少从实验设计分析结果看没有大问题。这个也不是我要和K19要讨论的内容。

K19的问题是以讹传讹,认为有DNA的管子可以teleport DNA分子到纯清水的管子里,于是就有了他认为DNA根本没有原子组成这样超大胆而荒谬的结论。然而LM的实验里两根试管里都有DNA只是稀释程度不同。退一万步,即使有teleport存在,但是K19说的:DNA可以没有原子组成仍然是很玄妙啊,真的不该这样对科学问题信口开河。




Evidence for homologous “cross talk” between dilutions

We then wonder whether or not it was possible to generate new signal-emitting structures from tube to tube by using wave transfer. The following experiment which was repeated several times showed that indeed this was the case.

A donor tube of a low “silent” dilution of E. Coli (10-3) was placed side by side close to a receiver tube of the positive “loud” highest dilution of the same preparation (10-9). Both tubes were placed in a mumetal box for 24 hours at room temperature, so that the tubes

were not exposed to external electromagnetic noise, and only exposed to the signals generated by the structures present in the tubes themselves.

The tubes were then read again by the signal detecting device: the donor tube was still silent, however the receiver tube became also silent.

Moreover, when further dilutions were made from the receiver tube (10-10, 10-11, 10-12), these dilutions had became positive (Fig. 6). These results suggest that the receiver tube was made silent by formation of an excess of new nanostructures, which could emit signals upon further dilution. 

(Interdiscip Sci Comput Life Sci (2009) 1: 81–90)

*nanostructures is a name LM used to describe sth in DNA,which generating EMS.

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