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送交者: 高玉宝 2014年03月30日14:56:12 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

Tonight I celebrate my love for you
It seems the natural thing to do
Tonight no one's gonna find us
We'll leave the world behind us
When I make love to you

Tonight I celebrate my love for you
And hope that deep inside you'll feel it too
Tonight, our spirits will be climbing
To a sky filled up with diamonds
When I make love to you tonight

Tonight I celebrate my love for you
And that midnight sun is gonna come shining through
Tonight there'll be no distance between us
What I want most to do is to get close to you tonight

Tonight I celebrate my love for you 
And soon this old world will seem brand new
Tonight we will both discover
How friends turn into lovers
When I make love to you

Tonight I celebrate my love for you            
And the midnight sun is gonna come shining through 
Tonight there'll be no distance between us
What I want most to do is to get close to you

Tonight I celebrate my love for you

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