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送交者: runner 2014年04月03日08:37:58 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

Infidelity Around the World in 10 Facts

Being monogamous isn’t always a walk in the park. As much as we may love our partner, numerous studies suggest that humans simply aren’t naturally monogamous creatures; so, for some, it can be a huge challenge to stay faithful. Perhaps we stumble upon a passionate attraction that just can’t be ignored, or perhaps we’ve lost the spark with our spouse and actively seek it elsewhere – regardless of the causes, infidelity sadly occurs more than you might think.

No matter what country you come from, statistics suggest that infidelity is always a temptation regardless of your gender. Gathered from a variety of reliable sources such as The Examiner, Statistics Brain, and the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, we’ve collated some illuminating facts about infidelity around the world.

1. 68% Of Women Would Cheat if They Never Got Caught

2. 54% Of Women Admit to Committing Infidelity in any Relationship

3. 74% Of Men Would Cheat if They Never Got Caught

4. 57% Of Men Admit to Committing Infidelity in any Relationship

5. 36% Of Men and Women Admit to an Affair with a Co-Worker

6. 17% Of Men and Women Admit to Infidelity with Their In-Laws

7. 3% Of Men Divorce their Wife and Marry Their Lovers

8. 31% Of Marriages Last After an Affair has been Admitted to or Discovered

9. Average Length of an Affair: 2 Years

10. 90% Of Americans Believe Adultery is Morally Wron

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