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送交者: 王福贵 2014年04月06日16:43:07 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


The Most Beautiful Woman in Film

Inventor of cellphones, Wi-Fi and GPS


Hedy was arrested for shoplifting in January 1966. She was apprehended with $86 worth of merchandise. But, at the trial, she was acquitted.

In 1991, she was arrested on the same charge in Florida, this time for $21.48 worth of laxatives and eye drops. She pleaded "no contest" to avoid a court appearance, and in return for a promise to refrain from breaking any laws for a year, the charges were once again dropped

Because her patent had expired, she was never paid a dime for her technology, but in 1997 she was honored for her work by the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

In 1998, an Ottawa wireless technology developer, Wi-LAN Inc., acquired a 49% claim to the patent from Lamarr for an undisclosed amount of stock.

She died at age 86 in her apartment near Orlando, Florida on January 19, 2000, she was alone.



1. Any girl can be glamorous. All you have to do is stand still and look stupid.

2.Men are fine, love is fine, it’s marriage I’m a little disappointed in.

男人都是精品是好的它的婚姻,我有点失望英寸 :-)

3. I advise everybody not to save: spend your money. Most people save all their lives and leave it to somebody else. Money is to be enjoyed.


4.I think women are concerned too much with their clothes. Men don't really care that much about women's clothes. If they like a girl, chances are they'll like her clothes.

5.American men, as a group, seem to be interested in only two things, money and breasts. It seems a very narrow outlook.


6.The ladder of success in Hollywood is usually a press agent, actor, director, producer, leading man; and you are a star if you sleep with each of them in that order. Crude, but true.


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