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国有资产 belongs to people
送交者: abc55 2014月07月26日20:40:11 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 老乡,我们来生再见了abc55 于 2014-07-26 20:09:44

at both sides of the
Taiwan Strait.
 委 has no right to sell it off for the
interest of the super-rich and the corrupted. The sons and daughters of the
people at both sides of the Taiwan Strait spilled their blood to fight the Japanese
to keep the territory integrity of mainland China. This is the reason that
the mainland Chinese have never had any objection to the Taiwanese who come to the
mainland to seek job and business opportunities. The mainland belongs to the
Taiwanese, too! In the same token, Taiwan also belongs to the mainland Chinese. The pro-independent Taiwanese have their freedom to be independent, only when they leave Taiwan and move into the Pacific ocean.


  同意,麻烦你当个代表跟共产党去要 /无内容 - J66 07/26/14 (91)
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