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送交者: 温和从容 2017年05月17日20:14:47 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话

The College of Communication Arts and Sciences at Michigan State University

密歇根州立大学传播艺术与科学学院院长 大卫-普拉布

One Belt, One Road is China’s ambitious plan to invest in public works projects in countries across Asia and elsewhere to create a new global economy. At its core it is an experiment modeled after China’s success. China has demonstrated that government investment in massive public works projects can pay rich dividends. Can similar public works projects in other countries spur economic growth as they have in China? We are about to see as One Belt, One Road begins to unfold.


Last week, after visiting five cities and six universities in China, the increasing emphasis on globalization in Chinese universities became apparent. And this is likely to have more impact than the stunning skylines and cranes that shape the urban horizons. During this visit, I noticed a sharp increase in international students. China’s goal of creating a connected world by rebuilding the Silk Road includes the creation of international universities that facilitate knowledge creation and translation.


The College of Communication Arts and Sciences, the first college of communication in the United States, has signed an agreement with the Communication University of China in Beijing, China’s largest communication program, to explore opportunities for communication research and instruction. An exciting new possibility is a master’s degree in Strategic Communication with courses from both MSU and CUC. This is only the beginning. Such collaborations between China and the United States, two of the world’s most advanced economies, are essential to create robust intellectual exchange and advance knowledge around the world

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