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送交者: 温和从容 2017年05月19日01:20:36 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话

May the 18, 2017

Desk of Hasib urRahman:  

Pakistan Askari Bank Ltd

Beijing Rep Office





China has started to work on the establishment of connecting the concept of ancient Silk-Road through the 'Silk Road Economic Belt', and through the 'One Belt - One Road' program to make the regional connectivity by connecting China and the Eurasian countries.


These belt would comprise many countries from Asia to Europe to Africa and cover almost 4 billion population.


With the Asian Century taking shape and China taking a prominent position on the global stage, Communist Party of China under the wise Chinese leadership headed by President Xi JinPing and Premier Li KeQiang started promoting the Chinese concepts of connectivity themes of Peace, Development, Cooperation and mutual Benefit. China's peaceful rise and the regional development program of China under the umbrella of OBOR would bring Peace and Stability to the entire regions.


The Communist Party of China, the Chinese leadership and the Chinese media have all been stressing their initiative of jointly building both the programs of OBOR namely: the 'Silk Road Economic Belt' and 'Maritime Silk Road', which have so far attracted close attention from all over the developing world. With the weak economic situation othervise (prior to 2013), Chinese leaders have emphasized the need to build the Silk Road Economic Belt and Maritime Silk Road oriented towards a stronger ASEAN, Central Asian Region CAR countries, the Russia, the Europe and Africa.


Chinese leadership believes that the building upon their concept of 'Belt and Road' could ultimately help promote the economic prosperity of all the countries involved along this 'Belt and Road', and would surely enhance the regional economic cooperation, strengthen exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations. It is a unique undertaking by China for a great opportunity ahead that will benefit countries and its people around the world!


The Belt and Road Initiative, with its kick-off after Belt Road Forum in Beijing, would enhance frequent consultations with various countries and efforts have already started to plan the regional coordinates and integrate these development strategies for an effective connectivity among all the member countries along the Belt and Road.


The Chinese government has drafted and published the Vision and Actions on OBOR with jointly Building 'Silk Road Economic Belt' and 'Maritime Silk Road', both of which would give the boost to the rise of China on the global stage firmly, connect Asian-European and African countries more closely and promote mutually beneficial cooperation to a new high and in new forms (never seen before).


Few features of OBOR which have been felt through the promotion of "One Belt One Road" concept:

(focus of these features may create better understanding on SREB and MSR in this article..)


1. The regional cooperation structure is to be set up through strengthening policy communications, road connections, marine routes, trade facilitation, currency circulation and people-to-people exchanges.


2. OBOR is going to be a huge economic opportunity for all the member countries being connected with it.


3. OBOR could solve border issues with Russia and other countries in Central Asia. Stability in Afghanistan would also be promoted through implementing various projects of the OBOR's SREB.


4. China is already developing its western region so it would be easier to extend this development further to the Central Asian countries (specially Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan) and through Russia to Europe. Economic development of the Central Asian countries and concerned security issues could be solved.


5. OBOR is considered to be a in-win' concept by the Chinese leadership. China wants to enhance its Trade and OBOR would give this concept a thrust forward. 


7. OBOR related countries in the EurAsian region could create a huge market for multi-lateral trade of their products, which could create tremendous investment environment and job opportunities for all the people and will eventually reduce poverty in SREB region.


8. OBOR would surely forge stable and friendly frontiers not only in the neiborhood of China, but else where resulting in the strategic support for China's development within all member governments and good-will among the people of the three region.


OBOR is surely a huge economic opportunity for all countries of the entire region.


Authored by:


Hasib urRahman

Chief Representative for

Pakistan Askari Bank Ltd

Beijing Representative Office

Beijing - P.R China

Mob: + 86 150 1012 7319

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