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送交者: 天空之城 2017年08月04日18:40:57 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话

Indian Navy wants Russian MiG-29K jets to be ‘ruggedized’

 By: Vivek Raghuvanshi    10 hours ago 42810 A MIG-29K Fulcrum aircraft from the Indian Navy performs a flyover above the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier Nimitz during Exercise Malabar on July 16, 2017, in the Bay of Bengal as part of Exercise Malabar. (MC3 Weston A. Mohr/U.S. Navy) NEW DELHI — The Indian Navy is facing acute maintenance problems with the 45 Russian-made MiG-29K aircraft, which are the sole fighters on the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, according a senior Indian Navy official. “We (Indian Navy) want the MiG-29K aircraft to be ruggedized to carry out operations because landing on the deck of the aircraft carrier is almost like a hard landing and the fighter aircraft needs frequent maintenance,” the Navy official said. “There are frequent structural defects due to deck landing,” the official added. The service did not enter into a contract for automatic maintenance of the aircraft with the Russians while purchasing the MiG-29K fighter aircraft in 2004 and 2010 for $2.2 billion. “Today they are fully dependent on Russia for all major support issues,” an Indian Ministry of Defence official said of the Navy. “The Indian MoD has taken up the matter with the Russians on several occasions. Though the Russians have sent their technical teams, no solution has been forthcoming.” Arun Prakash, a retired Indian Navy admiral and former service chief, was more critical of the situation: “The truth is that the Indian Navy has virtually funded the development of this aircraft (which the Russian Navy is now adopting), and if the Russians had any ethics they would ensure that every shortcoming is fixed free of cost.” Report: India's Russian-made MiG-29K Fighters Face Problems Report: India's Russian-made MiG-29K Fighters Face Problems The Indian Navy's primary fighter operating from the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya faces operational deficiencies due to defects in engines, airframes and fly-by-wire systems, according to a report by India's autonomous auditor. By: Vivek Raghuvanshi According to the MoD official, state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited is of little help in this situation: “Without approval of design authority, it is difficult to go in for any modification.”

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