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盤點全球生物安全頂級實驗室(BSL4, P4)                                作者王守業

近日埃博拉疫情的日益嚴峻,美國疾控中心和世界衛生組織都將埃博拉疫情響應升至最高級別,這也使媒體對埃博拉病毒關注的目光,轉向研究埃博拉病毒的利器、也幾乎是必備神器¾生物安全4級實驗室,生物安全實驗室共分4(Biosafety Level 1-4), 生物安全4級實驗室又常被稱為P4實驗室,這個P可不是個屁,是指Pathogen(病原) or Protection(保護)。說生物安全4級實驗室是生物安全頂級實驗室,不僅僅是指生物安全方面是頂級的,最高的,其造價也是最貴的,因此,數量很少,即使是在全球範圍內,生物安全4級實驗室也只有56個,這還包括一些正在建設中的(參見下表)。

序號       名   字     位   置建設時間        說   明

1Virology  Laboratory of the Queensland Department of HealthAustralia,  Queensland, Coopers Plains

2Korea  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC)Osong,  Cheongwon county, North Chungcheong province, South Korea2013

3University  of Queensland - Sir Albert Sakzewski Virus Research Centre (SASVRC) Royal  Women's Hospital Brisbane P3 (BL3)Australia,  Queensland, Herston

4Australian  Animal Health LaboratoryAustralia,  Victoria, Geelong

5National  High Security LaboratoryAustralia,  Victoria, North Melbourne
National  High Security Laboratory Operates under the auspice of the Victoria  Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory.
6Republican  Research and Practical Center for Epidemiology and MicrobiologyBelarus,  Minsk
Department  of Molecular Epidemiology & Innovational Biotechnologies
7National  Microbiology LaboratoryCanada,  Manitoba, Winnipeg
Located   at the Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health, it is  jointly  operated by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Canadian  Food  Inspection Agency.
8Wuhan  Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of SciencesChina,  Hubei, Wuhan2003Wuhan   Institute of Virology already hosts a BSL-3 laboratory. A distinct  BSL-4  facility is currently being built based on P4 standards, the  original  technology for confinement developed by France. It will be the  first at level  4 in China, under the direction of Shi Zhengli.
9Biological  Defense CenterCzech  Republic, Pardubice, Těchonín1971,  rebuilt 2003-2007Located  at the Centrum biologické ochrany (Biological Defense Center)[13]
10Laboratoire  P4 Jean MérieuxFrance,  Rhône-Alpes, Lyon######Jean   Mérieux laboratory is a co-operation between the Pasteur Institute and   INSERM. Note that in France, it is P4 for Pathogen or Protection level  4.
11Centre  International de Recherches Médicales de FrancevilleGabon
This   facility is operated by a research organization supported by both  Gabonese  (mainly) and French governments, and is West Africa's only P4  lab (BSL-4).
12Robert  Koch InstituteGermany,  Berlin
The  facility was licenced for construction by City of Berlin on November 30,  2008.
13Bernhard  Nocht Institute for Tropical MedicineGermany,  Hamburg

14Friedrich  Loeffler Institute on the Isle of RiemsGermany,  Isle of Riems (Greifswald)2010Deals  especially with virology
15Philipps  University of MarburgGermany,  Marburg2008The  facility is licenced to work with genetically modified organisms
16High  Security Animal Disease Laboratory (HSADL)India,  Bhopal1998This  facility deals especially to zoonotic organisms and emerging infectious  disease threats.
17Centre  for Cellular and Molecular BiologyIndia,  Hyderabad2009National   Bio-Safety Level-4 Containment Facility for Human Infectious Diseases  &  Clinical Research Facility in Regenerative Medicine.
18All  India Institute of Medical SciencesIndia,  New Delhi1993Conducts  studies on major pathogenic organisms. Has contributed in discovering new  strains & vaccines.
19Microbial  Containment ComplexIndia,  Pune2012Bio-Safety  Level-IV Laboratory established by ICMR with support from Department of  Science & Technology
20Azienda  Ospedaliera Ospedale Luigi SaccoItaly,  Lombardy, Milan
A  university hospital in Polo Universitario; it contains two special vehicles  for transporting infectious persons.
21Istituto  Nazionale Malattie InfettiveItaly,  Lazio, Rome
This  facility, (trans.) National Institute of Infectious Diseases, operates within  the Lazzaro Spallanzani Hospital.
22National  Institute for Infectious DiseasesJapan,  Tokyo, Musashimurayama
Located   at National Institute for Infectious Diseases, Department of Virology  I; this  lab has the potential of operating as a BSL-4, however it is  limited to  perform work on only BSL-3 agents due to opposition from  local residents and  communities.
23Institute  of Physical and Chemical ResearchJapan,  Ibaraki, Tsukuba
This  is a non-operating BSL-4 facility.
24Netherlands  National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)Netherlands,  Bilthoven2009

25Cantacuzino  Microbiological Research Institute (INCDMI)Romania,  Bucharest

26"Dr.  Carol Davila" Central Military HospitalRomania,  Bucharest

27State  Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology VECTORRussia,  Novosibirsk Oblast, Koltsovo
It   is one of two facilities in the world that officially hold smallpox.  The  other Russian BSL-4 facilities have been dismantled.
28National  Institute for Communicable DiseasesSouth  Africa, Johannesburg
National   Institute for Communicable Diseases of Special Pathogens Unit is one  of only  two BSL-4 facilities in Africa but the only suit laboratory on  the continent.
29Swedish  Institute for Communicable Disease ControlSweden,  Solna
Swedish  Institute for Communicable Disease Control is Scandinavia's P4 facility.
30University  Hospital of GenevaSwitzerland

31Spiez  LaboratorySwitzerland,  Spiez

32Kwen-yang  Laboratory (昆陽實驗室) Center of Disease ControlTaiwan
Part  of the Department of Health, Taiwan.
33Preventive  Medical Institute of ROC Ministry of National DefenseTaiwan

34Health  Protection Agency's Centre for InfectionsUnited  Kingdom, Colindale
Located  in the Viral Zoonosis unit.
35National  Institute for Medical ResearchUnited  Kingdom, London

36Institute  for Animal HealthUnited  Kingdom, Pirbright

37Institute  for Animal Health Compton LaboratoryUnited  Kingdom, Compton

38Defence  Science and Technology LaboratoryUnited  Kingdom, Porton Down

39Health  Protection AgencyUnited  Kingdom, Porton Down
Special  Pathogens Reference Unit.
40Health  Protection AgencyUnited  Kingdom, Porton Down
41Francis  Crick Institute[22]United  Kingdom, London
Under  construction. The UKCMRI will not work on Human Hazard Group 4 agents.
42Centers  for Disease Control and PreventionUnited  States, Georgia, Atlanta
Currently  operates in two buildings. One of two facilities in the world that officially  hold smallpox.
43Georgia  State UniversityUnited  States, Georgia, Atlanta
Is  an older design "glovebox" facility.
44National  Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF), Kansas State UniversityUnited  States, Kansas, Manhattan
Under   construction. Facility to be operated by the Department of Homeland  Security,  and replace the Plum Island Animal Disease Center (which is  not a BSL-4  facility). Planned to be operational by 2015, but likely  delayed.
45National  Institutes of Health (NIH)United  States, Maryland, Bethesda
Located  on the NIH Campus, it currently only operates with BSL-3 agents.
46Integrated  Research FacilityUnited  States, Maryland, Fort Detrick
Under   construction. This facility will be operated by National Institute of  Allergy  and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), it is planned to begin  operating at 2009 at  the earliest.
47National  Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC)United  States, Maryland, Fort Detrick
Under  construction, it will be operated for the Department of Homeland Security.
48US  Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)United  States, Maryland, Fort Detrick1969Old  building
49US  Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)United  States, Maryland, Fort Detrick2017?New  building, currently under construction
50National  Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory (NEIDL), Boston UniversityUnited  States, Massachusetts, Boston
Under  construction by Boston University, building and staff training complete,  waiting for regulatory approval.
51NIAID  Rocky Mountain LaboratoriesUnited  States, Montana, Hamilton
National  Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
52Kent  State University, Kent CampusUnited  States, Ohio, Kent
Operates   as a clean lab at level 3 for training purposes. Scheduled for  conversion to  a hot level 4 lab in response to a bioterrorism event in  the USA.
53Galveston  National Laboratory, National Biocontainment FacilityUnited  States, Texas, Galveston
Opened  in 2008, facility is operated by the University of Texas Medical Branch.[23]
54Shope  LaboratoryUnited  States, Texas, Galveston
Operated  by the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB).
55Texas  Biomedical Research InstituteUnited  States, Texas, San Antonio
The  only privately owned BSL-4 lab in the US.
56Division  of Consolidated Laboratory ServicesUnited  States, Virginia, Richmond
This   facility is part of the Department of General Services of the  Commonwealth of  Virginia. so called "surge" BSL-4 capacity.    

(表中內容參考http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biosafety_level#Biosafety_level_4 製作)

  如上表所示,56個生物安全頂級實驗室遍布世界五大洲,其中非洲大陸只有兩個,分別位於南非和加蓬。單論國家而言,美國最多,有15個,其中包括一個正在建設中的、隸屬軍隊的實驗室,還包括一個歸私人所有的P4實驗室(位於Texas Biomedical Research Institute,德州生物醫學研究所),該P4實驗室的私人屬性(而非歸國家所有)恐怕不僅在美國絕無僅有,恐怕在世界範圍內都是獨一無二的。    



 需要說明的是, 除了埃博拉病毒必須要在P4實驗室操作外,還有其他一些高致病性病毒,如馬爾堡病毒,拉薩(Lassa)病毒, 克里米亞- 剛果出血熱病毒, 玻利維亞和阿根廷出血熱病毒以及其它出血熱病毒等。



中國在2003年遭受SARS病毒攻擊之後開始組建P4實驗室, 不知道什麼原因國家一直投入力量不足, 法國提供技術幫助也時斷時續, 一直到2018年才開始運行,到現在也沒有正式完成。 從網上炒作北大藝術生30幾歲的女娃當主任來看,土共以前也沒有對實驗室太重視。 大概以為自己遭受了SARS一次攻擊之後僥倖以為蝙蝠不會再光顧中國了吧。  這一次病毒入侵算不上剝奪人命的殺傷武器, 但是作為破壞中國經濟和攪亂中國社會來說,算是核武器級別。 並且生物威脅不僅僅是威脅人身健康, 也威脅畜牧業,農業,都會對經濟產生不可估量的影像。台灣有兩個實驗室,其中一個隸屬於國防部,是美國建設當年專門開發對付大陸的生物武器,現在幹啥不知道。  印度還有四個實驗室,中國應該加大投入。

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