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送交者: 岚少爷 2014年07月09日20:51:32 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话

South Sudan has taken delivery of a large shipment of Chinese infantry weapons that includes anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs), according to shipping documents obtained by Bloomberg and passed on to IHS Jane's .

The HJ-73D has a tandem shaped-charge warhead for defeating ERA. (Norinco)The HJ-73D has a tandem shaped-charge warhead for defeating ERA. (Norinco)

The documentation said the shipment was carried by the Cosco cargo ship Feng Huang Song (IMO: 9416757). IHS Maritime ship-tracking data shows the ship left China's Zhanjiang port on 16 May and arrived in Mombasa in Kenya on 7 June. The shipment would have then be moved overload to the South Sudanese capital Juba.

The documentation lists 100 HJ-73D ATGM launders, 200 batteries, 1,200 missiles, nine simulators, and spares and says this part of the consignment is worth USD14.5 million.

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