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送交者: 一剑破天 2014年08月31日22:02:15 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
Professor Cees Hamelink

Professor Cees Hamelink

Dutch Intellectuals Apologize to Putin for Lies on MH17, Syria, Ukraine


We are seeing movement now of grass roots effort to take back more control of foreign policy

We are seeing movement now of grass roots effort to take back more control of foreign policy

Editor's note:  We are moving now to try to have native language readers helping us to not miss gems like this in their national media, as it is very important to get efforts like these publicized as quickly as possible.

What these Dutch Intellectuals have done is given us a template for others to follow.

If we are to build up a cross-border network, we must first seek out and learn more about their opposition forces, so we can get acquainted with each other to explore ways to leverage our efforts.

We also want to eliminate as much duplication of effort as possible, in terms of nailing down how the elites are trying to scam us with all of these destabilization programs.

We can save a lot of time reinventing the wheel if we can learn quickly of a proven template being available to be adapted from one country to another. There are all kinds of things we can do to help even a small group get bigger that are easy and inexpensive to do.

The most obvious one for here in the US is to have our readers email this letter to the Dutch embassy in DC and also their closest consulate, and tell them you whole-heartedly support it, and ask when the Dutch government is going to get off its knees to the major power manipulators.

These embassies will be reporting back home at the end of each day on how much traffic they are getting, because that is their job. This allows us to use the communication structures we have in place now and respond quickly to try to push a story like this into mass media for more exposure.

The breakthrough the Dutch have given us is to begin using the obvious link that all of these destabilization efforts have been an offense by elites in Western governments for reasons they do not think we will agree with, hence they have cut our approval out of the process. Instead of lots of fragmented efforts with limited and evaporating effect, they can all be rolled into one big fist to pound back with.

The bridge we have to get over now is to not have our spreading the news around be the end of our efforts. We have to create a mass action capability to take us up to the next level of having more influence... Jim W. Dean ]


-  First published August 27,  2014  -



What Western leadership has done to Ukraine is unforgiveable

What Western leadership has done to Ukraine is unforgiveable

Dear Mr. President Putin,

Please accept our apologies on behalf of a great many people here in the Netherlands for our Government and our Media. The facts concerning MH17 are twisted to defame you and your country.

We are powerless onlookers, as we witness how the Western Nations, led by the United States, accuse Russia of crimes they commit themselves more than anybody else. We reject the double standards that are used for Russia and the West. In our societies, sufficient evidence is required for a conviction. The way you and your Nation are convicted for ‘crimes’ without evidence, is ruthless and despicable.

You have saved us from a conflict in Syria that could have escalated into a World War. The mass killing of innocent Syrian civilians through gassing by ‘Al--㏎aeda’ terrorists, trained and armed by the US and paid for by Saudi Arabia, was blamed on Assad. In doing so, the West hoped public opinion would turn against Assad, paving the way for an attack on Syria.

Not long after this, Western forces have built up, trained and armed an ‘opposition’ in the Ukraine, to prepare a coup against the legitimate Government in Kiev. The putschists taking over were quickly recognized by Western Governments. They were provided with loans from our tax money to prop their new Government up.

The people of the Crimea did not agree with this and showed this with peaceful demonstrations. Anonymous snipers and violence by Ukrainian troops turned these demonstrations into demands for independence from Kiev. Whether you support these separatist movements is immaterial, considering the blatant Imperialism of the West.

Russia is wrongly accused, without evidence or investigation, of delivering the weapons systems that allegedly brought down MH17. For this reason Western Governments claim they have a right to economically pressure Russia.

Western created and supported terrorist groups have begun just what we predicted, a self manufactured security threat.

Western-created and -supported terrorist groups have become just what we predicted, a self-manufactured security threat.

We, awake citizens of the West, who see the lies and machinations of our Governments, wish to offer you our apologies for what is done in our name. It’s unfortunately true, that our media have lost all independence and are just mouthpieces for the Powers that Be.

Because of this, Western people tend to have a warped view of reality and are unable to hold their politicians to account.

Our hopes are focused on your wisdom. We want Peace. We see that Western Governments do not serve the people but are working towards a New World Order. The destruction of sovereign nations and the killing of millions of innocent people is, seemingly, a price worth paying for them, to achieve this goal.

We, the people of the Netherlands, want Peace and Justice, also for and with Russia.
We hope to make clear that the Dutch Government speaks for itself only. We pray our efforts will help to diffuse the rising tensions between our Nations.


Professor Cees Hamelink

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