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送交者: 万湖小舟1 2019月05月22日07:34:23 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 贴一个 Home, 祝大家新周快乐!老帽 于 2019-05-19 17:55:41

Our time is now, tomorrow's just too far a way

Our time to see a brand-new breaking door

I'll open every door for you

You'll see the light that shining through

It's all you ever need

We'll walk through autumn leaves

And over fields of green

We'll see the rivers flow into the sea

I hold at my hand for you

I'd be here if you want me to

It's all you ever need

The door is open wild

Just leave all your troubles behind

I'll take you home, home

Everything is waiting for you

Home, home

The sunlight through the cloud is breaking home

Just hold my hand, I'll take you home

This is the place where I want you to always be

The place where everything we need in grow

Through the years of history

I know where my heart should be

So there is where I'll go

And now you're far away

You'll always have said that to stay

And called it home, home

Everything is waiting for you

Home, home

The sunlight through the cloud is breaking home

Just hold my hand, I'll take you home

Being a darkest night, there will be a light

Feel the shine so bright to guide you

Surely as I believe, I truly to believe

That you will never leave

Home, home

Everything is waiting for you

Home, home

The sunlight through the cloud is breaking home

Just hold my hand, I'll take you home

Just hold my hand, I'll take you home

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