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yy888:Marengo Cave 地下洞穴 标准的三羊胡子
送交者: yy888 2018年06月30日09:26:33 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

Marengo Cave 地下洞穴,比不上国内那些有名的洞穴,不过去了趟也增加了不少的知识,这里还是有不少的活动的。点击视频跟我走一趟。



。。。You wait in line here. You can see the Gemstone Mining. Sifting through the dirt and rock, like early miners did, you may discover sparkling emeralds, dazzling rubies, and other assorted gemstones. 

。。。 Stalagmites are formed by water dripping from the ceiling. When the drop lands, calcite is deposited and a stalagmite grows upward. 

。。。 Stalactites, a most common cave formation, they grow downward until touching the cave floor. When the drop lands, calcite is deposited and a stalagmite grows upward. Cave popcorn or cave coral, this formation can be found in many sizes, shapes, and colors.

。。。 Helictites are small, twisted formations that project from cave ceilings, walls, and even the floor. They grow erratically and defy the laws of gravity. 

。。。 Draperies are when water entering a cave flows down a sloping ceiling, it deposits calcite in thin, translucent sheets that hang in delicate folds like draperies. Minerals provide color. 

。。。 Rimstone dams are formed as water flows over an edge, calcite deposits around the edge of the dam.    

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