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送交者: Serena藕花深处 2018年12月05日19:53:59 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话


John Healy Bertie Higgins

I fell in love with you watching Casablanca
Back row of the drive-in show in the flickering light
Popcorn and cokes beneath the stars
Became champagne and caviar
Making love on a long hot summer's night
I thought you fell in love with me watching Casablanca
Holding hands 'neath the paddle fans
In Rick's candle lit cafe
Hiding in the shadows from the spies
Moroccan moonlight in your eyes
Making magic at the movies in my old Chevrolet

Oh a kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh
Please come back to me in Casablanca
I love you more and more each day as time goes by

I guess there're many broken hearts in Casablanca
You know I've never really been there so I don't know
I guess our love story will never be seen
On the big wide silver screen
But it hurt just as bad when I had to watch you go

Oh a kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh
Please come back to me in Casablanca
I love you more and more each day as time goes by

Oh a kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh
Please come back to me in Casablanca
I love you more and more each day as time goes by
I love you more and more each day, as time goes by

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