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Comprehensive Immigration Reform
送交者: Peter93 2013年03月17日09:18:42 于 [新 大 陆] 发送悄悄话

The "Legal" Immigration System Reform in The Comprehensive Immigration Reform


The immigration reform debates and talks have focused on the three components: Border Security, Immigration Enforcement, and Legalization of Undocumented Immigrants. Why? Because these are key issues that have divided lawmakers, political leaders, and political parties.  As time has gone by, there appears to be a compromise looming up between the right and the left through the left more or less accepting the right's issue of strengthening border security and immigration enforcement and the right agreeing to legalization within the context of keeping the legalized undocumented immigrants at the end of row of immigrant wait lines. 


What about other key component of reforming broken "legal" immigration system? Thus far, some pieces of such reform have been introduced in the form of piecemeal immigration bills. Additionally, both employment-based immigration advocates and family-based/other immigration advocates talked about their points here and there "sporadically." 


It is tragic that the legal immigration reform advocates have been so narrowly obsessed with reform of their interest only without discussing their issues within the framework of more broad and overall reform of the entire "legal" immigration system. Thus far, no one has come forward to discuss in the media the overall reform of the legal immigration system. 


The key issue that divides between the right and the left for the legal system reform involves the total immigrant quota the nation should accept. Obviously, the right will focus on keeping the number of immigrants at the current level or less and at a restrictive level, while the left will advocate to accept increase of the total annual numbers. 


The position of the right has been to reduce family-based immigration or nonemployment-based immigration quota and increase the employment-based immigration quota within the level of keeping overall number within the current immigration system. The Bush comprehensive immigration reform represents such concept with the eventual goal of keeping the new total immigrant numbers at bay.

Obviously, such proposal is not acceptable to the left that focuses on family unification and traditional concept of diversity in immigration system. 











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