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送交者: 豌博 2018年03月13日14:17:43 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話


萬物空無兮,After all none matters at this moment, 

唯此一杯。while a drink still important.

時光奔流兮,As time goes by,

與杯同飛,may toasts fly, 

飲縷縷之餘輝。drink after drink until dry. 

江湖兮、避世兮,Exiled after made it big out of nowhere,

秋鬢已灰。ending to this full head of grey hair.

來路依稀望已悲。What a life yet yet future in despair.

莫!Rather not!

醉大海而半傾,Lets go wild and drunk but half sober, 

君與我曾同舟,you and me used to be in the same boat,

心既知兮帆不摧。with hearts in echo no way to falter.

靡此爵兮,Bottomed up that wine pot, 

共執牛耳兮傲橫揮!together captured the bullhead prize and all that glorious past! 

舉波濤而天下起,The world conquered as wine torrents churned, 

扶不倒兮泰山巍。hanging tough like an iron cast.

君所見也吾之建,Two of us, eye to eye, 

吾所狂兮總因杯。wine glasses made our watershed high. 

一瞬沙場堪用武,All that bravery in the battlefield, 

風雲過兮余翠微。now a fleeting past worth no mention about. 

英文原作:Tonight(by Paul Qiu)
Translation by 阿立

Nothing to care for
but a drink

Bygones long bygone
why from the glass
past stares back

My grey hair
displacing and exile
even a small trace
nothing would I
Though half drunk
Your words I feel
admire, and resonate

Only a drink
brings back passionate past
Can the glass bear all that
mighty weight

What you see is what you get
when I seem out of control
on stage
Except the stage
was never there

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