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送交者: 酷19 2017年04月07日21:12:35 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Trump's North Korea Options: Place Nukes In South Korea Or Kill Kim Jong-Un


The National Security Council has presented the suddenly ragingly  bellicose President Trump with several options to respond to North  Korea's nuclear program: put American nukes in South Korea or kill  dictator Kim Jong-un.


you fucking idiots have no fucking clue.

I have been telling you people. American Empire is done. It is over. Russian can kick US ass easily!

Russian did not even have S400 in Syria. They only have S300. This will force russian to defend and shot down anything from israel and US. And this will have them start shit in ukrain and some Nato country. We are just half step away from all out war. They are already moved all equuipment around russian border. If they dare to put Nuke in south korea or attack Nk. Chinese will Act swiftly with russia.

The way of life in US will be over. It will be over even without all these bullshit. This will only speed up the falling of an empire. It is over. You stupid dumbass are still living in a bubble. Have no clue and will not have any clue what is going on. and what will happen. Enjoy what you have now. Cause this will not last for very long.

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