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送交者: 胡骑来 2017年04月10日13:19:06 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

我到现在都还没理解X86的JL指令有啥用。谁能说说?比如 0XFE - 0X7F = 0, 但显然 0XFE 要小于 0X7F。所以我不知道JL指令怎样用。 JB Jump if below JNAE Jump if not above or equal JC Jump if carry JL Jump if less JNGE Jump if not greater or equal +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ |Instr | Description | signed-ness | Flags | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ | JO | Jump if overflow | | OF = 1 | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ | JNO | Jump if not overflow | | OF = 0 | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ | JS | Jump if sign | | SF = 1 | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ | JNS | Jump if not sign | | SF = 0 | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ | JE/ | Jump if equal | | ZF = 1 | | JZ | Jump if zero | | | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ | JNE/ | Jump if not equal | | ZF = 0 | | JNZ | Jump if not zero | | | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ | JP/ | Jump if parity | | PF = 1 | | JPE | Jump if parity even | | | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ | JNP/ | Jump if no parity | | PF = 0 | | JPO | Jump if parity odd | | | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ | JCXZ/ | Jump if CX is zero | | CX = 0 | | JECXZ | Jump if ECX is zero | | ECX = 0 | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ Then the unsigned ones: +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ |Instr | Description | signed-ness | Flags | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ | JB/ | Jump if below | unsigned | CF = 1 | | JNAE/ | Jump if not above or equal | | | | JC | Jump if carry | | | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ | JNB/ | Jump if not below | unsigned | CF = 0 | | JAE/ | Jump if above or equal | | | | JNC | Jump if not carry | | | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ | JBE/ | Jump if below or equal | unsigned | CF = 1 or ZF = 1 | | JNA | Jump if not above | | | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ | JA/ | Jump if above | unsigned | CF = 0 and ZF = 0 | | JNBE | Jump if not below or equal | | | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ And, finally, the signed ones: +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ |Instr | Description | signed-ness | Flags | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ | JL/ | Jump if less | signed | SF <> OF | | JNGE | Jump if not greater or equal | | | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ | JGE/ | Jump if greater or equal | signed | SF = OF | | JNL | Jump if not less | | | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ | JLE/ | Jump if less or equal | signed | ZF = 1 or SF <> OF | | JNG | Jump if not greater | | | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+ | JG/ | Jump if greater | signed | ZF = 0 and SF = OF | | JNLE | Jump if not less or equal | | | +--------+------------------------------+-------------+--------------------+

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