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送交者: 酷19 2017年06月18日19:12:07 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话



Official warns Illinois finances in 'massive crisis mode'

CHICAGO (AP) -- The Illinois official responsible for paying the state's bills is warning that new court orders mean her office must pay out more each month than Illinois receives in revenue.

Comptroller Susana Mendoza must prioritize what gets paid as Illinois nears its third year without a state budget.

A mix of state law, court orders and pressure from credit rating agencies requires some items be paid first. Those include debt and pension payments, state worker paychecks and some school funding.

Mendoza says a recent court order regarding money owed for Medicaid bills means mandated payments will eat up 100 percent of Illinois' monthly revenue.


It’s no secret that America’s infrastructure is in dire need of repairs. Earlier this year, America received her infrastructure report card from the American Society of Civil Engineers’ and received a repulsive D+. The ASCE guesstimates the US would need to spend $4.5 trillion by 2025 on infrastructure.

Here’s the breakdown of the report card:  

  • Aviation: D

  • Bridges: C+

  • Dams: D

  • Drinking Water: D

  • Energy: D+

  • Hazardous Waste: D+

  • Inland Waterways: D

  • Levees: D

  • Parks and Recreation: D+

  • Ports: C+

  • Rail: B

  • Roads: D

  • Schools: D

  • Solid Waste: C+

  • Transit: D-

  • Wastewater: D+

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