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送交者: 明君小雪 2017年10月08日00:06:27 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

自我流放的中国亿万富豪警告 北京要要对美国实施“十一抽杀”

自我流放的中国房地产巨头郭文柜大声疾呼“盗国贼”正在掌控中国,并且警告说,一波中国间谍正在被派遣去“抽杀”美国 - 郭文贵现在被庇护中。

CNBC报道说,他的此番言论是由于中国政府对这个亿万富翁的轮番指控,指控他的多项罪名中包括腐败和强奸罪 - 他坚决否认的罪行。


“他们只是一小戳黑手党,纯粹简单”。郭先生说 “我想让中共的所有成员醒来,对这个统治团伙说不”  他的社交媒体名字也叫MILES KWOK




这位五十岁的人也承诺,即使面对对他的漫长的指控,他也要继续“改变中国”。 “华尔街日报”报道说,他已经为反击战积累了1.5亿美元。

“美国是最后的正义之地” 郭对华邮说。 “如果没有美国,我不会活着。”



CNBC报道,郭说,“这些计划对美国人民及其财产构成巨大威胁。他补充说,这些图谋与“911”恐怖袭击比有 100倍甚至1000倍” 的潜在的破坏性。

Self-Exiled Chinese Billionaire Warns Beijing Seeking to ‘Decimate’ U.S.

Self-exiled Chinese real-estate mogul Guo Wengui blasted what he called the “kleptocracy” running China, and warned that a wave of Chinese spies are being dispatched to “decimate” the United States – where Guo is currently sheltered.

CNBC reports that his remarks come as the Chinese government has doubled down on its allegations against the billionaire, accusing him of crimes including corruption and rape – crimes he firmly denies.

“What the U.S. ought to do is take action, instead of just talking to the Chinese kleptocracy,” Guo said through a translator at an event at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

“They are just a tiny group of Mafia, pure and simple,” said Guo, who also goes by the name Miles Kwok on social media. “I would like all the members of the Chinese Communist Party to wake up and say no to this ruling clique.”


Guo applied for asylum in the U.S. this month after arriving on a tourist visa. He is currently working out of a $78 million penthouse in New York City as he fights off the accusations from the Chinese government surfacing after he accused powerful officials of serious corruption, including the head of the Communist Party’s anti-corruption board.

Although his social media accounts have been wiped on occasion, he has managed to often restore them and continue his barrage of attacks against the “kleptocracy.”

Guo himself is no stranger to corruption. As part of his rags-to-riches story, he befriended a Chinese intelligence official who later was accused of taking $8.8 million in bribes from Guo.

The 50-year-old has promised to continue as he wants to “change China” even in the face of the lengthy accusations against him. The Wall Street Journal reports that he has amassed a $150 million war chest with which to fight back.

“The U.S. is the last land of justice,” Guo told the Journal. “I would not be alive were it not for the U.S.”

However, he is still having issues in America. His Facebook account was taken down over the weekend, purportedly for violating terms of service and CNBC reports that a planned speech on Tuesday at the Hudson Institute was postponed.

In his remarks this week, he said he was aware of multiple attempts by the “kleptocracy … to weaken the United States, to bring about turmoil in the United States and to … decimate the United States.”

“These plans pose great threats to the American people and their property,” Guo said, according to CNBC, adding that those efforts are “100 times, or even 1,000 times” as potentially damaging as the 9/11 terror attacks.

Adam Shaw is a Breitbart News politics reporter based in New York. Follow Adam on Twitter: @AdamShawNY

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