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手机版: Fight for my life and fight against torture , I am not alone and I need your help
送交者: 老乐谱 2018年10月10日06:53:26 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
"This photo is only one of them, which I took and shot. " Please forward this, thanks. UN UN Human Rights UN Human Rights Council International Bar Association Human Rights Watch Amnesty International Amnesty International Canada International Criminal Court Canadian Governments Five years ago, UN advised to file complaints against Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government , I didn't. https://api.ning.com/files/DTY-O*avZu1ITMXhQ-WHZPM02XBx2TGrB5UpivG5wew1DUA88eGs*g914gyCaIMHnXaDL2F3Mk8vdpc*p4dZ5AGccDZ4wXiq/hrcmessage.PNG Recently, UN again advised me to file complaints against them.  https://api.ning.com/files/DTY-O*avZu1lS0p0aHulSoWZJV8sY1bWn4yavpHhfsGsIpscYK4Rf0iEHTaW46s6fkMTX6RDWXLy64f97ywiNbzAIgDLChwQ/Screenshot_20180924100901.png This time , I have no options because they believe no one in our world can do anything to them so long as they block, hack all news and media ; because they believe no one in the wold can stop them so long as they can hack, block and filter everything I am using; because they are not afraid of "International " at all... Please see their on going atrocities : 1. They drive aeroplane/aircraft to attack me everyday when I am driving to work and home. Please see this photo below. I took this picture at 11: 53 p.m. of July 28, 2018. This photo is only one of them, which I took or shot. https://api.ning.com/files/48cexbRAlBs52a7dWSGJSxJk5vMUasGqHwyKqxq-PjTGiUZsljP3DOz4thLMkxQX-IIT4f*ZRIT3gRFs1qbg-Nm2uMBIe1no/20180726_235338.jpg 2. This is attempted murder by EMF Weapons? Google Canada is filtering and blocking what "they " are doing with EMF Weapons, who are living as my neighbors and gathering around my workplace. Around my body, EMF value can rapidly change from 1500 ut to 25 ut. If they don't, why are they hacking and blocking this, actually everything? Please see this below: https://api.ning.com/files/1Y-WTylqxrJfM9y1hsbi5DOD6J-IGxrgnC0IBUJUqzHB6tdVx1VCz7FSKEd7h9OgLHzLDXT8Dr9V2NuotiSdxbl6A8h8a5Qp/Screenshot_20171129025340.png In addition, UN Human Rights and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims have everything I provided about how they , living as my neighbors and gathering around my workplace, torture, harass, threaten, terroize and attemptedly murder me. In addition, Facebook Canada......are hacking everything you and I can imagine. Fight for my life and fight against torture , I am not alone and I need your help. Robin Yan Canadian victim of torture 09/10/2018
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