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手机版: 我要求The Scarborough Hospital 向我提供相关法律。13年了,他们拒绝提供。怎么办? 帮我转发吧。他们黑客了我所有的通信工具。
送交者: 老乐谱 2018年10月23日11:29:09 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
"They even threatened Prime minister of Canada, his wife and their kids." " From every possible ways, like fax, emails...I asked them to show me " the law ". For 13 years, they haven't responded. " UN UN Human Rights UN Human Rights Council International Bar Association Human Rights Watch Amnesty International Amnesty International Canada International Criminal Court Canadian Governments The Scarborough Hospital, public hospital of Ontario Government, is directly getting involved in torture, harassment , threats, terror, administering posion, attempted murder. You all have what I provided regarding this. One famous International Human Rights Community/Organization forwarded one PDF file regarding "Medical Torture" to me . Facebook Canada first hacked , second blocked this Human Rights Community/Organization after our further discussion. Facebook Canada at once blocked American Psychiatric Association when I just clicked its page. https://api.ning.com/files/t6f27EQ2IpBa9dUq51nUU57vQWo0f*GHztAkEGXX4sk1-8op*tjiOn9FpwxB7Yd2We0P0QWS7g4CFJhOZ2SPBSS54uaVOIEP/Screenshot_20181018074132.png 13 years have passed. The Scarborough Hospital, conspiring with Toronto Police, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government... still refuse to disclose two voice recordings of mental status exams conducted in my home without my " informed consent ", including 2 pieces of hand written medical records of these two mental status exams. Why? They stated: " You don't trust police. That testifies you're suffering mental illness." They stated in their letters to me: " They destoryed them according to the law." From every possible ways, like fax, emails...I asked them to show me " the law ". For 13 years, they haven't responded. Meanwhile, Facebook Canada blocked Ontario Human Rights Commission, hacked Prime minister of Canada, Ontario Ombudsmen, Premier of Ontario. Meanwhile, Facebook Canada, Google Canada, Youtube...they are all hacking UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court, all news and everything I am using. What are happening? They are doing this regardless of international law and International order, actually regardless of anything. They even threatened Prime minister of Canada, his wife and their kids. Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need your help. Robin Yan Canadian victim of torture 21/10/2018
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