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送交者: 老乐谱 2019年07月17日07:28:02 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
Do they have these or those weapons being used to torture, terrorize, and murder you? " International Trade Show & Conference, Ottawa, Canada " UN UN Human Rights UN Human Rights Council International Bar Association International Criminal Court Canadian Government Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government... who are living with me as my neighbors and gathering around / in my workplace, are madly attacking my head, my heart and my hearing with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, which have been viewed as weapons of mass destruction by UN and Canadian Security Intelligence Service; related Information and literature from WHO and the Department of The Army ( You must have them. ) , please see this video below: https://youtu.be/O3QpbrnCiAQ So, I can't sleep and work normally every day. Is it real ? I provided nearly all evidence to UN, International Human Rights Community, and International Criminal Court. They all speak out and stand up for me. Do they have these or those weapons being used to torture, terrorize, and murder you? Please see this photo below: " International Trade Show & Conference, Ottawa, Canada " https://st2.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/3319788041?profile=original Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need your help. Robin Yan Canadian victim of torture 16/07/2016 Please forward this, not only for me. Thanks.
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